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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. I have a Palm, but no reason to use it... yet.
  2. HP makes phones? Thats weird... I don't have one though. Nokia's probly the best, it plays the best games
  3. This belongs in the other forum in the comedy category. Moving...
  4. Hm... I thought bittorrent was supposed to be illegal... maybe it was something else...
  5. I don't know what piece of crap GFX card I have, but it sucks major monkey balls.
  6. I have a dell, but its a piece of shitake mushrooms. Aleinware is good, I don't have one, but I've been on one.
  7. I have a Pentium, but I hear AMD is really good. I'm not voting cause I'm not sure.
  8. Lappy's right, and it lets you mod 99.9% of interactive web things if you know it
  9. 8:15-3:13, 3 minute between period breaks, 7 peroids, and 2 half-hour long lunch/mods.
  10. I've heard of a few of those, but dang, you like your old music from random people!
  11. the thing that was really funny: People would try to click on it I did an april fools joke on some other forums like that, convinced a few people that it was a link. It was great
  12. OMG this is really funny! See it here! IF you don't see it, ur stupid!
  13. Reset to value it should be if everyone posted a number: 119 continue from there.
  14. margerine. see the peroid, New sentance on same subject, and alot of times you people just posted "the" and could have had "the orangutan" or something.
  15. I'll do that then we aren't a cell phone company so we don't do that.
  16. Kinda, you're in a giant robot with guns and stuff and you shoot others, how much action depends on the number of mechs your fighting, their speed, and how many missles are flying around
  17. 107... why do people keep forgeting numbers?
  18. but the penguins ate the snakes teeth.
  19. DOS games sometimes work, like C&C RA DOS, and if your running 98, I dunno what you should do...
  20. into a room full of cheese loving monkeys in the artic.
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