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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. Okay, you're wondering what this is right? Well, its a list. A list of people who have earned my respect, but only 5 of them. These people have never broken the rules(or worked hard after they did to right their wrong), make mostly good posts, are regular members(sorry mods), help the community out, and, well I like them. Remember, this is an Honor and a Privelege, and you don't get anything out of it, besides some respect. Don't brag about it too much, or you might end up off this list. Don't be offended if you aren't on this list, there can only be 5, and these 5 work hard. 1. Majazac 2. Korps Commander 3. Herloss 4. Shadownite 5. Sham
  2. cant you see it!?! Its invisible! You should be able to see it!
  3. To me, this doesn't seem like a very good topic, considering you only need a word or two for points. I wont deduct any, but I'm moving this to freespeech. Umm... me typing?
  4. you don't get posts or points in this forum. I mean, in this topic, say: I'm gonna get more points than so-and-so soon, or I'll get the blank most posts and stuff.
  5. http://www.davesite.com where I learned html and css, it serves as a good reference
  6. *Makes a sheild of toothpaste, blocking awesomegamer's attack* "Noone will find me in here"
  7. "Heres some invisible money, don't loose it or your screwed" *Gives Awesomegamer invisible money, but drops it from 10 feet in the air and awesome gamer looses it*
  8. theatres in summer, then the actual movie comes out around christams... most of the time...
  9. for a month or two it was me, /\/\/\/, djbob, lappy, calvinator, wee, and a few other people I forget the names of. Then djbob decided to have hosting, and we got all these great members
  10. GameClaw_268


    more like 4 inches, I'm 6' and your like 5' 8", your little brother is taller than you. Anyway, its a proven fact that Muscle weighs more than fat, If I was fat and weighed 172, then I would have a huge belly bulge. I get outside(unlike you) so I do not spend 24 hours a day in the basement. You finnnaly went out for a sport(track) and have trouble running the 400. And you skinny? I don't see how your belly fits in as "skinny" Sleeping in the basement has nothing to do with it, just cause my room is down there doesn't mean that I'm a nerd, or you can call half the high-school jocks nerds.
  11. 194 I keep beating people, and probly just got beat yeeeup...
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