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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. stop talking... technically "dumb" means unable to talk.
  2. You guys are missing the point that this is a joke, it doesn't relate to real life, and he probably found it somewhere off the internet. Its probably not what happens in real life. Why do you think its in a joking forum?
  3. they've proven themselves enought, they have enough respect adding Korps Commander, since he's been posting alot, and although is is from KL, he is not biased against this place and has posted some pretty good topics. So, congrats.
  4. and since 2+2=6, the universe exploded.
  5. 231 well, its always good to report bugs, so you don't get in trouble for exploiting them and you can get a few brownie points
  6. I am only following the official rules, and this isn't the government of the united states, this is a forum privately owned by djbob, and he has free discresion over who uses it and how. If I was angry, I would have cussed your head off. And also, there is a magic word: based. Djbob can change what he wants. If you read the rules, you cannot flame people, quit complaining, and either follow the rules or leave. edit: didn't see all these posts, but you probably know who this is directed at.
  7. Lindon B Johnson, he got more civil rights, anti-poverty, education, and health care laws passed than almost any other president. His only downfall was the Vietnam war, which was lost by the secretary of defense trying to run the military for a profit, and it was JFK's secretary too. The war was kinda unavoidable, and had we won, it would have been praised as a great anti-communist war, although the people didn't know what communism is.
  8. I know exactly what you mean, and how the heck does he get reelected? I am finding out most people are stupider than I thought they were... [jk]who wants to snipe bush with me?[/jk]
  9. First of all, I doubt china would attack Taiwain. If it did, we would attack them, but not with nukes... or well, I'm not so sure GWB wouldn't, cause he's crazy, but, we have pleged assistance to them, and we would look cowardly not to help. Many military generals would actually like this, so they could do an actual combat test of the technology we've been researching for the past 40 years. For all we know, the US military has 40 foot tall robot things with huge lazers, lots of armor, and big guns. If they released something like this, it would imediately be mass produced, along with the ammo for it. But on the home front, almost every wall mart would shut down, and the worlds biggest employer would lay off everyone who worked for them. Then, in china, the many American factories would just pack up and leave, causing massive unimployment in both countries. So where would they go? Both nations militarys, causing a war bloodier than WWI and WWII combined. Both nations know this, and most likely, they aren't gonna try to start one. I mean, its just little taiwain, china has no reason to take it out, but alot of reason not to.
  10. there are very few americans who know more than english, and even fewer that know more than english and another language required by the school for some reason or another. Most americans think english is the best language and the only one that should be used, and are too ignorant to learn anything else. As for me, there are alot of languages I'd like to learn, but I only know a little spanish and alot of english.
  11. no, and lets hope we can keep it that way.
  12. How am I a traitor? Yet again I am insulted for trying to make some forums a better place. And a mercinery? Last I heard, they got paid. I will not tolletate flaming, especially against me. Keep this up, and I will ban you. You don't like me because some people do? You fail to recognise you might have some competition, when you've had it since the begining. Djbob has the right to succeed where you fail, and if you don't like it, go crawl up into a corner and leave everyone else alone. And unethical/immoral? Was it immoral for lappy to start zonichost when zer0host showed signs of corruption? Was it immoral for you to follow him to KL? If you answered "no" to either of these, then no, I am not unethical/immoral. If you answered yes to both, then you have no right to call me that. Maybe you remember me as the guy who posted spammy forum games everywhere, but unlike you, I have matured. I still enjoy a good forum game, but I do not go post them anywhere, and I keep them in their place. You on the other hand, have gone from respectable people to ignorant McCarthists. You might have the right to hate me, but your acusations are based on false facts to attempt to degrade me. Stop posting posts like that, and if you don't like these forums, leave them. Although he probly wont care, 50 points deducted from myscrnnm for flaming, he probably doesn't care, but I would like to take alot more from him.
  13. Yeah, it might be a good idea for me to move this google rulez.
  14. Once I get it done, there will be a 2 player mode and multiple profiles, so I guess... but that wont be til the full version.
  15. lol, just a little bigger than if you drop out of high-school.
  16. From what I've seen, when djbob made helionet, and lappy couldn't be an admin, he started an anti-helionet craze. Until recently, I thought they were on good terms. But they are just crazy about trying to degrade djbob. If lappy can't respect other forums, I don't see any point in going to krazyletter. He claims djbob plagerised krazyletter, which would mean he used some software, images, etc. And claimed he made them. When I looked at the KL topic, djbob was trying to defend himself and the other members were trying to bring down an Iron hammer on him. I do not respect people who treat other people badly just because they do something slightly the same. Please stop posting these topics. We're not trying to start a war. Helionet is officially NOT anti-krazy letter. We respect the right of their members to come here, and we respect our members that go there. The only anti-KL here would be on personal levels, and I will not use that to discriminate against anyone. Topic closed
  17. POssibly, unless it was done through pm. It kinda depends.
  18. And they call me a traitor for coming here and helping these forums. I can't believe the level they've dropped to. its hideous.
  19. You get elected. We need more active members before this will happen though.
  20. I'm a guy, and I left krazyletter when they stopped hosting. I haven't been on it so long, that being a called a traitor is like an 11 year old moving to russia and then theres a war between the US and russia and when he's 80 they say he's a traitor for going there. Unless you meant djbob was who they were calling a traitor... edit: dang, they are really anti djbob, I'm not gonna go there again. I used to repsect KRT, but seeing how he's dropped to a level of immaturity as to which he makes a topic entirely about insulting djbob, that just makes me feel like I should have never respected him in the first place.
  21. I have like, 11 pages done, I'm not thinking about publishing it right now.
  22. if he did, he'd get some pretty big point deductions, so it wouldn't be smart.
  23. okay, I'll get that fixed 299 edit: fixed
  24. oops, in my looking for people for this I forgot eTronic Gaming, lol, gotta add that...
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