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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. Thanks, I do my best. Its working hard that gets you respect and people liking you... and I do my best to post the crap out of these forums so long as I don't spam crap... myscrnnm's temp ban expires tommorow, in the afternoon(for american central time)... brace yourselves...
  2. No, communism is based on state owning everything, and technically isn't a government. the USSR just found a way to turn it into one. The type of communism could be considered a type of dictatorship, but dictators allow people to own their own stuff, and have their own money. Dictatorships simply have a ruler with the power of congress, the president, and the supreme court... which means they can change anything. Communism is the idea that if you didn't get less/more than someone else, you'd do the right thing for the betterment of society... boy did that turn out wrong...
  3. Its not just here, he hasn't been at the showcase much either...
  4. Gruesome... you should right a sequel: Revenge of the dogs, or something like that. Squerrels, who would have thought...
  5. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    W00T! I just made my 500th post this would be my 501st. I am the first winner
  6. cloning anything for research should be legal. Again, its the darn churches fault.
  7. ITs kinda alive once the brain develops, but that takes a long time.
  8. definantly, we don't need our soldiers out there dieing from smallpox while the enemy gets to save some men and ammo because of it, or somethign like that.
  9. The person has to let them, or they don't let the person use their service. Its that simple. The person has the right not to let them though.
  10. Hell no! Physical punisment shouldn't be put on children in a government institution, parents would complain and everyone would look at schools like a bully.
  11. They do have rights, but the airline, being an independant bussiness, says that you have to do what they say, or walk to your destination. A bussiness doesn't have to serve ANYONE... unless it's funded by the government... then the government gets to set the rules.
  12. it will save the future, so definantly... but what we need to crack down on is lawnmowers... they pollute more than cars(total) because noone sets emmision standards at all for them... they just go with the cheapest.
  13. they should be able to, but not forced to... it should be their decision.
  14. I am not with any religeon... thats like saying I'm gonna let someone else make my descisions for me. People should choose for themselves to have an abortion or not, but it shouldn't be illegal.
  15. that is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard... raping a dead body... who the hell is crazy enough to do that...?
  16. not all of them, as I said in the other topic, really long times in prison. And you can get in prison for jaywalking? That doesn't seem right...
  17. its the churches who are agaisnt it... and I say FREEDOM OF RELIGEON! Banning it is unconstitutional... and I don't think it should be banned in the first place
  18. I can't say either... people are stronger and smarter, and tame the animals for their entertainment, which looks good from the humans point of view, but the animals... I can't decide here...
  19. Or and AIDS epidemic... they can cure the bubonic plague.
  20. Life in prision looks nice, even torture looks nice, if there isn't an afterlife. You have to think about that If you're gonna die soon.
  21. As said in another topic: Electric Chair Don't release them... kill them off.
  22. if we can find a way to bring the world population to 66% of what it is now, I'll be happy, so definantly. And the US has alot of empty space, just no jobs there.
  23. I say yes, but this is comming from a student.. so I'm somewhat biased
  24. The point of "the war on terrorism" is to save lives of innocent bystanders. unfortunantly... we've killed more soldeirs and even other innocent bystanders than you can shake a stick at. But they aren't american, or they're milatery GWB/The Pentagon doesn't care.
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