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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. Juvy until 18 might be okay, but life for a 5 YEAR OLD! What was that judge smoking when he made that decision...
  2. keep it, and I think both should get in trouble for something...
  3. You have to take risks with those things. Some people don't like other people, or *cough* want to take advantage of them *cough* *hack*... but we gotta take that risk sometimes, or we wont get anywhere. Risks are meant to be taken.
  4. We might think that, but it would be the natural way, We would be inferior, so therefore, we would mostly die.
  5. That might actually work, or we could just use *ahem* good birth control *AHEM*
  6. I have to disagree with this one... Have you seen all the crap they put on the DS? They do have new characters... ever heard of Captain Olimar? He isn't old, is he Now of course, if you make one game right, people are gonna spend alot of money on all the sequels. For the most part, sony and microsoft don't recognise this, and have a 2 game max with most characters.
  7. No, its not. The liscenses would go back to nintendo, and micro$uck dismantled the company
  8. 3+4=0 340 again, not really, but oh well
  9. I like nintendo, and considering you could buy 2 gamecubes and a 50 dollar game for the price of an XBox when they came out, and that nintendo has metroid( ) I gotta stick with my tight budget and nintendo.
  10. oops, typed and extra 0, its 10. Thats maximum, you can't set minimum. I think all filetypes should be supported... any chance you get an "upload failed" message? I'll temp upload my av to test this. nope, didn't let me. Maybe djbob didn't chmod the uploads file to 777, or the emoticons file... I'll check with him...
  11. lots of good nintendo games :cry: Including super smash bros :supercrywailingbawling:
  12. heck no! I hate that song... it annoys the crap out of me... we had to play it and band, and it sucks. Noone play that around me, please...
  13. I assume you mean schools, and if its publically funded, it should also be public.
  14. Maybe in the middle of NYC, but everywhere else, hell no. I do it all the time, and have never gotten in trouble. Have they ever heard that the shortest way between 2 points is a straight line?
  15. Definantly, the people in 1000 years will love us if we do.
  16. my parents tried that with my little brother, he is now a spoiled little brat. There should be an even mix, but physical punishment has alternatives, like grounding
  17. More like, it should be under the judge's jurisdiction for any age. If they think they made the decision themselves, the judge should try them as adults.
  18. Yes, they already can. But if they do, they can get worse by lying under oath, which is a gamble. If they know they did it, listen to the lawyer and plead Guilty Under terms of insanity.
  19. If someone is just gonna take tax money away for a miserable 2 months, or longer, I say kill them. No point in keeping them around, other than for drug tests.
  20. "The weak will die off to make room for the strong." -Unknown We are stronger and use them to make us, and sometimes them, stronger. Its the way nature works, but humans feel the weak things need equal treatment. We are one messed up species.
  21. doesn't hurt you any, does it? Its also unconstitutional, if they took it to the supreme court, they would have to declare it unconstitutional(as with multiple spouses) because of freedom of religeon. Just let them so they get off our backs about it.
  22. I don't think it should be allowed, or the death rate might go up leaps and bounds. I think there should be a $100,000 fine, take some taxes down and make people decide not to as to not hurt their family.
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