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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. IF the parent doesn't like it, they have the right to send their kid to a private school where they don't teach that stuff. But kids need to learn the facts of life.
  2. I'd donate my organs... but if they're rare, keep it in the dark or you might have some bounty hunters after you at some time
  3. true, but state laws and country laws may change. If you are carring 20 tons of marajuna across the state border, they have to have some way of catching you. Now, they have to have a search warrant or they can't use it against you in court, and you'd be free to go. They can deny you of service or passage though.
  4. I say More fines, more Capitol Punishment, less prisons. Don't put someone in jail for jaywalking or speeding, instead, a $100 ticket will stop them pretty fast(rising with number of offenses)
  5. Unfortunantly, religeon and government co-exist to control the masses, and make up consequinces for doing things... government's is just assured. Its pretty hard to completely separate church and state... unless you're Karl Marx.
  6. Women didn't really get to be scientists until after Einstein, in which noone has had the least bit of fame for science. Women are every bit, if not more capable scientists, but it doesn't really matter what your gender is, it's your mind thats important. Some guys think women overcomplicate things, and thats not intirely true. Women are just looking for the answers harder than men, and tend to be able to think of double meanings faster than men. Although I am male, I also sometimes tend to overcomplicate things, trying to simulate everything, but it isn't accurate because of one flaw... I expect everyone to be exactly as smart as me. As for "distractions", most guys just need to grow up and try to figure out women the way they do us, think of every possible thing they could be thinking of. Unfortunantly, with most guys, it tends to be women or sports... Women and men will probably never understand eachother, but never has never stopped me from trying.
  7. In some states(like Nebraska) we don't legally own anything until we're 19. So we don't really get privacy rights..
  8. 338 3+3=8 Not really, but its funny anyway
  9. blow up goes with the "coca cola" rule mentioned earlier fine you can use to, and of, because they are 2 letter words. of the dkajoskdfjes
  10. he pulled out a Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and shot the piano to bits... might as well stay on Bruce Almighty if everyone else is...
  11. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    you had over 100 less posts than me when I got it, you really posted the crap out of your controversy series...
  12. I'll do the auction, and be nice to those who want it
  13. I heard about that... and i don't think it will affect me... but microsuck buying out rareware... :cry:
  14. 332 Winning again! AG, you missed 3+1=4
  15. chocolate. You shouldn't get points for posting 3 digits, now should you AG, "a" and "the" are supposed to be used only when describing another object, someone else might not need them or want to use the other one.
  16. According to the ACP, it should work and you guys should get 100mb to upload with...
  17. just 3 days after the highest bidder posts, exactly, to the minute.
  18. Drops a b-bomb onto the battlefield, turning everyone without cover(including me) into a giant broccoli mutant. MWAAHAAHAAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to record my evil laught so you guys can hear it, because unlike most people, evil or otherwise, I CAN do a MWAAHAAHAAHAA...HAAHAAHAAA!!!!
  19. 311 nto anyemoe!!! ph34r the spelling errors that is me not instinctively correcting(I have a delete key reflex, I tend to have alot of spelling errors, I've pressed it over 50 times typing this one line!)!
  20. did the chacha. He lika...do...da chacha. Yes I just watched Bruce Almighty, so sue me.
  21. GameClaw_268

    Surf Junky

    create gamemaker program, every minute, change mouse_x and mouse_y. Its genious!
  22. Okay, this domain can only work on helionet, but you can get it cheap. *fast paced auctioner talk* Iwannastartingpriceof2000,2000,2000,giveme2000! *end* Translation: starting price of 2000. After someone posts an offer(I don't want posts without offers) everyone else has 3 days to beat it, but they have to have the money, unlike real life . Don't pay me until you win, and this is a one payment deal, you can't pay me over an extended period. note: all hellion values must be divisible by 10. LET THE AUCTION COMMENCE!!!
  23. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    Meh, i'm gonna auction it off, starting price: 2000 hellions, 1/6th of a domain price... gotta start a new topic
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