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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. We'll send it tommorrow, my dad just got the email today, and we're as busy as heck... plus the post office is closed today.
  2. 421 THEN DIE! MWAAHAAAHAAAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. And the cheese sat in a cradle and started singing "Mambo No. 5...in My Pants!"
  4. GameClaw_268

    Rate us!

    Yay! They got my reveiw up !!! I don't need any more helions though, I have, like, 8000!
  5. I'm definantly going, cause I can probably make 3d games afterwords. Money isn't a problem, cause my sister gets to go to New York so 500 bucks isn't that much, YAY!
  6. I misread and thought "country" and since the US of A wasn't on there, I used antarctica as other, but then noticed it was contenents... so North america
  7. I have reached a final conclusion Smart people hate Bush Texans like Bush Texans are stupid Its ingenious, I tell you!
  8. The wheels on the bus go round and round... in my pants
  9. I figured out that one once he didn't come back after the previous ban... he probably would have gotten himself a permanent ban in a day or two if he did...
  10. You can take down the type of hosting, or, if all else fails, find a free one. We shouldn't worry unless djbob stops providing domains. For now, there is a sufficient supply of income. It might also help to get the site to appear higher on google... not sure how that works though...
  11. I wont fine you, I don't fine people for saying conflicts will happen, especially if they will. I wouldn't call any of you "traitors" or anything, although I would be dissappointed you left... but some other people might go beserk. Hosting will go down waay before the forums, if ever. Forums don't cost very much.
  12. then you didn't take care of it this happened a while ago too, activity slowed down, people left, etc. But then we submitted to a few hosting sites, and we got some good members... some... we just have to fix our economy, er, I mean, activity. Don't get on my case, this fluxuates like the economy.
  13. 411=all Don't you love l33t translations 412
  14. I'm gonna be gone for a while, probably a few weeks. Take care of the forums for me.
  15. There should be something under mail that has SMTP info and stuff... or maybe its on the sidebar... I dunno, I use gmail for everything.
  16. I'm not sure what I TVO is, but its supposed to be like a DVR. A PVR is a Personal Video Recorder... I have no Idea what the difference is...
  17. I've tried Yahoo once, and got about 30 pages of the exact same site posted over and over again... it was weird...
  18. they're both leaving MSN in the dust... msn only has chat now... unless GMail gets a chat program! That would be awesome!
  19. I voted intel a while ago, but after hearing about what the PS3 can do, I think I might have to change to sony
  20. 409 4.09% We're getting there, PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT
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