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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. lol, this is like, creation of the unirum(HN forum universe) old... back when I first became a mod... yup, ancient cavemen and dinosaur era... I was a dinosaur
  2. myscrnnm can stay to, until he breaks enough rules to get a permenant ban, which is pretty hard. He'll probably leave himself before that happens. I didn't see phoenix's post, I'll give him a chance, since he doesn't seem quite as radical as myscrnnm, but if he dissapears when myscrnnm gets on, we'll have to start temp IP banning myscrnnm if he gets another ban.
  3. myscrnnm is serving out a 10 day temp ban right now for his second offense of the official rules guide, and I have asked djbob about what to do about myscrnnm trying to beat the system. The one thing I don't get is why he's so persistant if he is so anti-helionet...
  4. eTronic Gaming gave all rights and permissions to djbob, so long as djbob recognises that eTronicGaming made it. All the experience I've had with code, if it doesn't create an error with separate code which counts on it to be positive, or a divide by 0 error, it should be fine. I mean, you can plug negative values into IPB stuff, right?
  5. I didn't say myscrnnm made the forums disorganised... I said you're myscrnnm, don't deny it, I have IP check. Unused forums just means we don't have info to put in them yet, we've only been here for a few months. You of all people should know that. The KL forums are too genral to call organised, and are missing some key elements. Whether you'd use those forums, I'm not sure, but it is very unorgansised compared to HN.
  6. the forum is disorganised because theyre are like 5 forums that everything is crammend into. I don't know how the heck I, or anyone, am(is) supposed to find anything there. It used to be orgainised... and myscrnnm, we all know its you.
  7. Yeah, but you have to be an admin. Maybe root, i'm not quite sure. IPB logs EVERYTHING, admin logs, mod logs, etc.
  8. I can... but you could tell that to my little brother... I swear, whenever I have to take a dump after he's been in there, I have to sit in 2ft of water... or something like it...
  9. until they found out it was out of gas, so they got into the second fastest thing available... a shopping cart.
  10. Similar? they're the same! I voted here, cause of what KL has turned into, and how disorganised it is.
  11. Who all has a DVR or something of the like? We happen to have one in our dish network satalite box, but my dad also got one in a DVD player. So... whaddaya guys think about them?
  12. Well, apparently, this problem has been solved, so topic closed.
  13. Originally, djbob appointed alot of people from KL to be mods, but they never visited, so he demoted them... Execpt for me, who worked hard.
  14. Signs that movie sucked, horrible ending, and the only thing that could get people to like it is the random music poping up everywhere.
  15. Not an issue, everything I have against KL is on a personal level with some of the members. Officially, Helionet is not anti-KL. My views do not reflect the views of all of the members and/or djbob.
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