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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. you get a choice if you sign up, but not if you get drafted, my social studies teacher did that(in veitnam) so he could use a typewriter instead of being on the battle field. I also hear if you drink enough coffee before the medical exam, you'll fail, so if all else fails, drink coffee.
  2. I never said I would do it, I was just saying that if someone did, it would bring the world population down to a more sustainable level. I'm not even heartless enought to do that, and I doubt GWB would either. My views on death are probably different than yours, and I could never live with a conscience that I killed a single person on purpose. I've given alot of thought to those kinda things... and a non-nuclear war might be just what the world needs... a long one at that.
  3. they can draft anyone, but they aren't gonna in peacetime. And anyone in the army is not subject to rights in laws and the constitution unless specifically targeted at them, or they aren't in service at the time.
  4. I just want one payment... and it might not start for a while, it might be hard for me to get another 40 or so posts real fast...
  5. only the winner pays, they're the only one I can make pay. Lol.
  6. humans only seem like a virus because the weak are supposed to die out to make room for the strong, and our brains allow us to make stuff that makes us alot stronger than anything else... but they also allow us to destroy ourselves. Humans are definantly gonna blow themselves up someday, and send the earth into a nuclear winter. Although something somewhere will live through it(evolution, man) life on this planet will have to start from square 1. It would be good for the earth, though, since it could only possibly sustain 4billion people for a long time, and yet we have 6 billion people. One option might be to nuke of china and india, kill a third of the worlds population, but most likely, they'd nuke the rest of the world too, and that wouldn't turn out too well... and humans are too selfish and just enough humane not to do something like that.
  7. the reason you get a DVR is so you don't have to watch 24-7 to wait for your show
  8. they don't have anything to spend leisure time with. Thats one of the main points of communism, no bordom.
  9. then the sjfoaskvjasdy ate them and turned them into...
  10. meh, mostly we'll just move it to the right place...
  11. does taiwan even have an army? Its a little island that the US has claimed it would protect in the event of a communist attack... who needs an army?
  12. and the beds turned into trampolines with/without...
  13. Meh, I think I'll start it at 2000-3000, which would be half price... of course awesomegamer(nickname idea: AG, approve or dissaprove?) is the only one close right now, but...
  14. if they somehow got the case to the supreme court, then it could have been stopped, but the supreme court can't just declare something without a case. The people get what they want, even if its unconstitutional. And yeah, it's followed, but only when the supreme court wants to...
  15. "real" communism is like ants, you get what you need, nothing more, and work most of the time you have. No-leisure time whatsoever. If brainless ants can get it to work, why can't we? Because we have opinions, which is the communism killer.
  16. thus is the power of propaganda. Meh, mostly the US is asserting its power as the most powerful country in the world and the last superpower. The one threat the US has is China, and the US and China depend on eachother for alot of things, so thats not gonna happen
  17. no more monkeys jumping on the bed!
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