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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. the pudding was repugnant.
  2. Yes, just be sure to not have it log you in automatically. Once I tried to use my brother's computer to get here, and I couldn't log in because everything was disabled, so I had to delete the cookies.
  3. and tasted like mangos.
  4. No, I did not imply it. Go and find the post where I implied it.
  5. If the Chinese even dare to nuke the United States, they would be bombarded with nukes. I mean, sure, we're not using them now, but if the homeland is attacked, the United States can use necessary force.
  6. The United States would obviously win. I mean, the United States has one of, if not the most, technologically advanced military forces in the world.
  7. What?! I never said that most of the population in Iraq consists of terrorists! I even said so yesterday that although there are terrorists in Iraq, I do not see the Iraqis as terrorists! God [bleeped!]! You need to work on your reading comprehension. :angry:
  8. There have been rumours of an episode VII, VIII, and VX. But I personally think it would be taking it too far.
  9. I expect her finger slipped, I mean, the 8 is right next to the 9. 294
  10. Not necessarily. I mean, it is possible for a person not from India to know mroe about India than you do.
  11. 1. Yes, but you also made an opinion. So, this topic can be taken out. 2. It is possible, but unlikely. I mean, Anakin was at Mustafar. 3. He could have, but it is unlikely. I mean, Vader had a life-sustaining life support system that could allow him to live for at least several decades.
  12. But in the saga, they are after episode III.
  13. You don't need to have ties with people in a place to have ties with that particular place.
  14. The main character's friend who was murdered at the rally. No, in the last book they are saved and then prepare meals.
  15. 1. Yes, that Mace Windu's death is bad. 2. I KNOW THEY SURVIVED YOU [bleeped!] [bleeped!]! And a person like her couldn't die at childbirth unless someone was killing her. And if someone was indeed killing her, then she wouldn't have survived. 3. He only gave Luke that Chance because he wanted to use him like he used Anakin. Then when he found a new "specimen" he no dout would promptly have disposed of Luke as well.
  16. He already has. There is an episode IV, V, and VI.
  17. No, there were people who rebelled in the Hidden series. For instance, Jenses died at a rally.
  18. Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Amadeus Mozart, Peter Tchaikovsky. But I enjoy Chopin as well.
  19. 1. Mace Windu is one of my top ten favourite Jedi. 2. Yes, obviously. And your statement disproves you even further. As I said it is unlikely for Padme to be killed when giving birth, as her children would probably be killed as well. 3. He is insane, haven't you seen Return of the Jedi? Honestly.
  20. He didn't die because of the Force, it protected him. Anyway, it burned off his arm and the bottom of his legs and singed off his hair.
  21. That is because the civilians were too weakminded to think for themselves and fight against the authority.
  22. No, the terrorists were in Iraq long before the U.S. troops got there. It was the insurgents who appeared after the United States army went to Iraq. Get your facts straight.
  23. Because you have ties with the far east.
  24. Well, I always close the lid and all, not that it matters. btw, you spelled etiquette incorrectly.
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