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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. I voted for "It is Great" cuz it was a big improvement over the original Sim. And I mean, the original Sims was great, it pretty much revolutionized the simulation category. The new one features a more intuitive interface and much improved graphics. Although it may depend on what video card you have.
  2. I am a Beatles fan. While I enjoy pretty much any kind of music (except country), my iPod is filled mostly with Beatles songs.
  3. My favourit movie of all time would probably be The Spy Who Loved Me. I mean, there were cool vehicles, cool gadgets, and great locales. The plot was also very original.
  4. I voted for depends. I mean, it depends on what the software will be used for. If your occupation is a developer, you would obviously prefer open source software when possible because you can easily mod it to your personal needs. But closed source has its advantages. Companies can keep rivals from stealing company secrets by making their software closed source.
  5. I voted for Sony Ericsson. I mean, Ericsson was one of the most innovative mobile phone companies to start out with, but when you add the innovation of Sony, you get a very competitive phone company.
  6. I have used JVCs, Panasonics, and Sony's. But overall, I would have to say that Sony's Handycam camcorders are the best of the lot. They have high-quality Zeiss lenses and good overall image quality.
  7. I use a Pentium 4. And I voted Intel because their CPUs are fast and reliable (when compared with AMD). AMD is good if you're on a budget. But if you want great value and a fast processor, the Intel CPUs are teh CPUs for you.
  8. PhoenixFlame512


    lol! It is possible to be lower than a member?
  9. Most of my friends know at least two languages, ranging from English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Cantonese, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Hindi, Persian, and many more. I myself speak four languages, three of which I am fluent in. The world is changing quickly, and becoming a seemingly smaller place. And in this ever-changing world, everyone needs to adapt. Almost all publics schools in the United States now offer at least two foreign languages for study and some even require their students to learn at least one foreign language if they have not done so already.
  10. No, if it was already modded before being shipped, it would not be called "modded", it would just be a stock model. Modding is after-market modifications.
  11. Revolver-The Beatles
  12. Not all Americans support the war in Iraq. For instance, there are people who feel that it was wrong for the United States ever to even go to Irzq. And then there are the families and friends of the soldiers fighting in Iraq, how do you think they feel about the war eh? You are being stereotypical, probably more than half of the Americans don't support the Iraq war. if you really want anarchists to kill Bush, they will probably kill the rest of our government as well, and then you'd probably be killed by insurgents.
  13. While it appears that the moderators are respectable enough, I was told that they were given their posts based not on their loyalty, but because of their connections.
  14. The United States [/u]is dealing with internal matters. There are programs promoting education, jobs, housing, et cetera. There are literally thousands of these programs in the United States. And at least a hundred of them are government funded.
  15. I voted for Firefox because of its speed and security. Although Microsoft Internet Explorer would come in as a close second. Because it is compatible with perhaps more than 95% of the world's webpages.
  16. Google may appear simple, but I voted A9 because it lets you narrow down your results more easily. Also, it loads at about the same speed as Google. But it technically loads faster because when you want to do an image search or something, it doesn't take you to a whole new page, but instead, adds stuff or take stuff away from the existing page.
  17. I voted for the Pocket PC as well. The Palm OS hasn't had a lot of improvements since it came out in the 90s. Meanwhile, Microsoft has upped the ante with its new Windows Mobile operating systems, making improvements all the time.
  18. Athlon XP? I would recommend an Intel CPU, they are much faster for the price. I mean, you can choose from Pentium Ms and Pentium 4s, those are the most common now. But if you really want an AMD, I'd suggest the Athlon 64 FX.
  19. Windows may run the most games, but it is not the only thing that games will run on. The Mac OS X v10.3 from Apple Computer also allows you to play a selection of several hundreds of games.
  20. But that's just one of the definitions. I mean, it can also mean "lacking intelligence".
  21. I voted for Krazyletter. Cuz I have been to that site, and it's just more organized. I mean, here you've got unused forums, too many topics in some forums, and the pages load a lot slower. If you want more customers, you need to have your place be organized.
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