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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. I didn't say that there are terrorists BASED in Iraq. I said that there are terrorists in Iraq. But nonetheless, there are a lot of terrorist organizations based in the mid-east and the far south east and west.
  2. He did not invade the country. And FYI, Iraq was, and still is, swarming with terrorists. I am not saying that all, or even the majority, of Iraq's population consists of terrorists. But it is true that Iraq is now a haven for terrorists. As are many other countries in the mid-east.
  3. But it's as though that was the only possibility when worded that way. Anyway, the government was in no way consisted of traitors, you of all people should know that.
  4. Yes, but only in fantasy can there be such a perfect and yet imperfect world.
  5. I expect it started with that thing where people say that it is an unwritten law where women have to go first, and now people are making a trivial matter into a full-fledged rebellion.
  6. But with a communist government, you can still ahve the power divided among several leaders. Although this is no the case with China and North Korea, it is so with communist countries like Cuba and such.
  7. That is a concept that I have imagined, but it would be difficult for any government to enforce this type of regulation. To learn more about this, I suggest, "Among the Hidden" by Haddix.
  8. Bush is keeping his cool. I expect anyone else in hi shoes right now would have lost their minds by now, or resigned. I mean, under these conditions, Bush has a lot on his plate and I'm surprised anyone can handle it as well as he has.
  9. No, Taiwan was at the time uninhabited. Except for a few natives living in the north. China technically does not own the land, because Chiang Kai-Shek started his own country. The government of Taiwan does not consist of traitors, nor was it before. The democratic government that Chiang set up there consisted of politicians who were forced out of Cina by Mao. And if you are against Kai-Shek, you are most likely for Mao. And if you are, then **** you. Mao was responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people in China.
  10. I wouldn't call it communism. Cuz communist governments still have laws. It'd be more like a dictatorship.
  11. Anyway, I know what the official reasons were. The weapons was the reason for U.N. inspectors to go to Iraq. And Saddam Hussein was the reason that the United States went to Iraq. Anyway, the people that the American soldiers killed were acting suspiciously, and in some cases, you can't act like that in front of people who are on the alert. I mean, a police officer can shoot you if he/she think you have a dangerous weapon. Unfair? Occasionally, but it is to protect themselves. And the innocent people that were killed were killed by terrorists and insurgents. Do you really think the American soldiers are the ones strappin bombs to themselves and walking into buses and restaurants? If you do, then you seriously need mental help. It is you who needs to wake up! It is the terrorists and insurgents who are killing the Iraqi civilians! Not the Americans!
  12. Yes, I mean, I think people should just rely on the existing medicines that we have today, people should not live forever. But people shouldn't stop [bleeped!], they just need more contraceptives.
  13. There would be no need to pacify Taiwan. I mean, it is China that keeps on threatening to attack Taiwan if it formally declares its independence. Taiwan would merely be defending itself, as it does not want to be in contact with China.
  14. So that is why none of you like it. You have never tried, let alone heard of it. I mean, how can you judge something you have never heard of? That is like saying your Ford Taurus is the best car in the world, when you have never heard of the Rolls Royce Phantom. And then somebody speaks of the Rolls Royce Phantom, and you say that your Ford Taurus is obviously superior. You should all try A9. You can bookmark pages with the search engine, have diaries for the particular pages, et cetera. Also, the searching is more intuitive, with more choices. People have complained about A9 being spyware because it can be personalized, but this can be remedied by not applying for a personal account. Then you can use the search engine without worrying about people collecting information about you.
  15. Yes, it is how the natural human psyche works. Something that the Korps Commander needs to understand. Although awesomegamer might not agree with me on everything, I will have to hand it to him/her that he/she understands how the human mind functions.
  16. Not me either, I prefer the Beatles. Although classical music would come in as my second favourite.
  17. Although it makes life better for people, DVRs don't necessarily make people lazier. It just gives them time to do other stuff. For instance, they can record a show while shopping that they otherwise would have watched live. If they didn't have a DVR, they would make an excuse that they have to catch a show, now they can go shopping since they have the DVR. I mean, honestly, it doesn't make you any lazier than you are with a regular television.
  18. Well, the seat is obviously required. But I think that it doesn't matter if it is left up or down. I mean, why do people make such a big deal out of it?!
  19. There are always those exceptions. But typically, the members at KL appear to be neutral. What you have to understand is that you can't put a bunch of people all into one group, when you so that, it is called stereotyping.
  20. You people have no right to be angry at me, I try to help a foreigner with his English and this is the thanks I get?! :angry: If everyone in the world were like you, the human race would be gone by now.
  21. No matter how unlikely it may seem to you, there is a high probability that it will happen. The Taiwan Strait is often regarded as one of the most dangerous places in the world because of the tensions between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan.
  22. Anakin Skywalker (by then Darth Vader) while he was dueling with his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  23. It is not dangerous to the human race. It is not as though that statemet will be likely to lead to the death of the humans. I think that is pretty obvious to everyone here. I mean, there are people who argue that humans are not all that smart when compared with other living creatures, but humans are among the smartest living things on the planet. Our intelligence obviously makes us different from the viruse that we think of today. But as HerLoss stated, the definition of a virus is slightly different from the one that we typically think of when referring to viruses. I mean, our behavior is basically the same. No matter how smart the humans are, there will always be those who are not wise.
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