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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. Torture may be inhumane, but if the crime is severe enough, it can be justified.
  2. I guess in that case they should save the woman, because she has already started her life. But the fetus/infant inside her does not know of life yet. Usually, any possible/potential defects can be detected even before the woman is pregnant. But if there is a defect that is not curable, then an abortion should be allowed, as the child would suffer if it lived.
  3. I voted yes. But onl in the case of mid-range crimes. Severe crimes should be punishable with torture, and then death. And then minor criminals should just get a few years, life, or fines.
  4. I don't think you can go to jail for jaywalking. But if that is so, the people convicted of jaywalking and other minor crimes should also be released. I suppose capitol punishment is also a good solution that should be practiced more often. But only for the mid-range crimes. The high-end criminals should still be tortured to death, as opposed to lethal injection and such.
  5. I voted yes. Everyday when I go to school, I have to sit in the back (we have assigned seats) and breathe in the toxic emissions from the engine that is right below me. If all vehicles were required to earn an LEV or ULEV sticker, then everyone would be able to breathe cleaner and healthier air.
  6. I voted yes, but only if it is during free time and the students go outside. I believe that religion should not interfere with everyday school life.
  7. #%&@! I voted yes, but I meant no, so if it is possible, can a mod change that please? Anyway, I think that it shouldn't be done. The best solution is to take the 10-50% of criminals who committed the worse crimes and torture them to death, then have their bodies cremated and the ash compacted into boxes. And for the rest, find people convicted of manslaughter and release them. Then the rest of the criminals can have more breathing space.
  8. Yes, in some countries, the atmosphere is realy bad and something needs to be done about it. There are already laws in Taiwan that have improved the air a lot. And I think that other countries should follow suit to save our environment, and most importantly-us.
  9. Yes, but it also depends on under what kind of circumstances. But typically, the United States should help stop terrorism, or it will be the end of us all.
  10. Of course, some people need money and some people need organs.
  11. I believe that it depends on the circumstances. I mean, if a girl is raped, then abortion should be allowed. But if a woman was stupid and had promiscuous [bleeped!] every few hours and got pregnant, then an abortion should not be allowed in that case. There have to be exceptions with almost everything.
  12. These nuclear missiles are kept in storage in the case of an emergency. But we also have other forms of nuclear weapons as well. And no, the United States is not evil. What gave you the idea we would want to destroy the world seven times over?! We are not as stupid as you think.
  13. My brother warned me of your ignorance. You can simply log onto an alternate account by deleting the cookies in the browser so that the site is viewed as it is seen universally. Myscrnnm has already caused enough trouble by lying about me on KL. If you don't tell your brother to shut up about falsely propogandizing that I am ignorant, I am going to have to reveal the truth about you two. You know what I mean, PhoenixFlame512.......................... Well, from what I've heard, you act pretty ignorant.
  14. I voted for awesomegamer because he is a typically a good and friendly person.
  15. I was informed that that only happens when the member in question is banned permanently.
  16. When have I ever referred to the Gamemaster as an it?
  17. My brother warned me of your ignorance. You can simply log onto an alternate account by deleting the cookies in the browser so that the site is viewed as it is seen universally.
  18. Perhaps I should suggest that plan to my brother. He is trying to become a moderator at KL Forums.
  19. It's a fairly developed country. I mean, they have one of the world's most powerful soccer teams.
  20. Well, the war is still in occurrence, so we should just save this topic for further discussion. Apology accepted.
  21. Yes, many countries have made large improvements on nuclear weapons since World War II. But I highly doubt that China could blow us up. I mean, we have lasers that can destruct missiles in mid air. And the warheads would obviously be detected by radar. I mean, it's not as though we don't all know it's coming. Yes, despite not agreeing with you on many subjects, I agree that it's better if nobody used the nuclear weapons. But sometimes people have mental abnormalities and do stuff that shouldn't be done.
  22. Perhaps he is preoccupied with the game itself.
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