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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Are you going to run for speaker? I would have voted for you if I wasn't going to vote for myself..............
  2. And this is coming from a person who says "People at HN are typically biased."! Hilarious. Admins, are you seriously going to let PhoenixFlame512 stay on HN? He keeps on insulting us throughout the topics.....
  3. Is it just me, or is PhoenixFlame512 a bit brainwashed by American propoganda?
  4. And the other countries would get involved too. Chances are some of those countries have nuclear weapons. So - a world war. And then the world gets destroyed. The Chinese leaders are not so stupid as to destroy the Earth because of some island that they don't really need!!
  5. And people at KL are not, you say?
  6. Well, you and your annoying big brother are like two peas in a pod. You speak in the same manner, you have the same opinions, etc. Its easy to see why we get angry at you so often.....perhaps you should learn a lesson from your brother....................
  7. You actually think that China will risk starting WWIII by attacking Taiwan? That seems unlikely.
  8. Falling into a molten pit of hot lava? Ouch................... Who falls into lava?
  9. Actually, that statement is dangerous to the human race. But, I do sympathize with HerLoss on the unfair punishment HerLoss got from the teacher. Did you simply state your opinion, or did you argue about it? Btw, humans are MUCH MUCH more smarter than mere viruses that we know of today. Doesn't that make us different?
  10. So you justify dismantling an entire government and accidentally killing literally thousands of Iraquis just to capture a few hiding terrorists?
  11. Woah........................you are absolutely right, Lappy. This bot either answers irrevelantly or isn't paying attention half the time................
  12. HA! The KKK in that movie must be really dumb! Do any of you recall any movie which actively insults a minority?
  13. See? So now that nobody has anything interesting to say about Congress specifically, that section shall remain empty forever..............
  14. I believe I have heard somewhere that Mustafar is the scene of some sort of massacre.....................
  15. They still have to be active?! Darn, I forgot that.......................
  16. Well, thanks for finally putting up the rules for Heliopolitics! Can't wait until the election. And, btw, can members of the legislature be fired from their positions? And are Helionet members allowed to campaing on Helionet when elections arrive? Hmmm.....I might even run for the postition of Speaker myself. For some reason, I am confident that I'll win - must be my wit and charm..........
  17. Have ants ever rebelled against their queen? Ok, back on topic. You get no leisure time in a communist country?! Wow, you must work pretty hard then................
  18. never heard of it.............
  19. Well, some mods or admins are known for fining people who post an irrevelant topic on a section.......................
  20. how do you define a moron? And I mean "you" as in, how does HerLoss define a moron?
  21. So, you are a Nazi? You believe in sub-human races? And Hitler didn't kill people who he tought were idiots - he killed ANYBODY of a certain race......................
  22. So, can the legislature members fine people points, ban people, etc? The opening of Heliopolitics is going to take a while - we only have 11 active members
  23. stuffed bears. The stuffed bears came to life and started tap-dancing with their Powerbooks.
  24. In today's world, you can't even trust your own allies - so I think that Taiwan probably has an army................
  25. The point is, people don't know what it says exactly. They just guess at what it means..................
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