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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Lithonian, le nga: please wait until "Server Load" under "Service Status" in your cPanel is below 4, and then try adding the domain again once. You will have to wait 24 hours after adding your domain for it to become active.
  2. Oops... forgot about that. Should be fixed now.
  3. Yeah, looks like you're behind a firewall. Could be software, or could be your ISP.
  4. You might be able to work something out with mod_proxy or mod_rewrite, but we block all non-standard ports, so your webserver wouldn't be visible.
  5. About a minute of Googling yielded this: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/356829#post-1462937
  6. I think you have bad permissions on your files. Follow the chmod guidelines in the guide.
  7. davoodtr, GBASP: please wait until "Server Load" under "Service Status" in your cPanel is below 4, and then try adding the domain again once. You will have to wait 24 hours after adding your domain for it to become active.
  8. It's working fine for me. Try stevie.heliohost.org:2082?
  9. I don't think it would work on that port. You'd need to use a standard port (at which point fsockopen would be working anyways).
  10. Still working on it. Don't really have a timeline right now...
  11. Sorry, but we can't offer that feature
  12. Ashoat

    Another Downtime!

    I can access cPanel fine.
  13. fsock isn't disabled, but opening arbitrary outgoing (and incoming) ports is... so in effect, you can't really use fsock. The reason we disable it is because a lot of people write exploits using scripts that attack other servers' daemons running on arbitrary ports.
  14. I don't think this kind of problem is ever from the host's end. Specifically, what do the Wordpress folks suggest the problem could be?
  15. I'll need your HelioHost username.
  16. No problem
  17. Ashoat

    Another Downtime!

    I accidentally set the account creation daemon to run during the Apache restart, which caused problems due to the modification of accounts while they were being parsed.
  18. Ashoat

    Another Downtime!

    This was a temporary problem, and should be fixed now.
  19. Shouldn't occur anymore. I accidentally set the account creation daemon to run during the Apache restart, which causes problems due to the modification of accounts while they are being parsed.
  20. Closing due to inactivity.
  21. Okay, you've been granted a dedicated IP.
  22. Ashoat

    Another Downtime!

    What problems?
  23. No problem
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