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  1. Certainly. follow the following: 1. Open your Cpanel. 2. Navigate to Domains part. 3. Choose Redirects. 4. In the first field choose your current domain name (xxx.heliohost.org). 5. In the second field type your target domain (zzz.com). 6. press Add. Any help we are here..
  2. Thanks very much for replaying. I got the answer to convert encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-8 without BOM and my problem was solved. I apologize for rushing because of bad answer of the person who claimed that the wrong was from the host. I am sorry again. Can you please delete this post? or lock it.
  3. Dear Sir, Each time I apply new Arabic theme I get invalid char. "??????????" instead of the original one. My blog is running on wordpress. My problem began from 3-5 months earlier and I thought that the problem is caused by me. I tried many times to solve it but not succeed. I asked the support forum of wordpress and I got the answer that it may be from the host and told me that they may not support Arabic language. So please kindly, Can I find a solution to my problem? I attached a screen-shot to my problem. Site is: m1.heliohost.org User name: m1
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