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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. That must explain why everyone uses it! Linux is definitely more user friendly.</sarcasm> Seriously though, kernel development indeed is a very demanding field. Having extremely efficient algorithms is usually the #1 priority. I generally find, however, that the Windows kernel has a better design that the UNIX/Linux kernel.
  2. There's a big difference between the platform independent language Java and the languages that have compilers in most platforms. If you compile Java code, you can run that on Windows, Linux, Mac, UNIX, your cell phone, etc... as long as the platform you are running on has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). However, if you want to allow C to work across platforms, life is going to be much harder. Sure, there are compilers for different platforms for C, but each OS has different C libraries. Furthermore, many of these compilers work differently. JVM's all work exactly the same, and Java's libraries are identical across platforms. One of Java's main design goals was to fix the precise problem that previous languages like C created - cross-platform convergence was extremely difficult. I challenge you to compile a complex app written in C on Windows and then on a Mac and see if you get the same result, let alone without any errors. That is often true, and is the generally the only reason I use open source libraries (as well as the only reason I use closed source ones). What I am saying is that you should not choose a library just because it is open source - in most cases, the open-sourceness won't help you that much. Indeed, but that is irrelevant to my point. Your statement seemed pretty sarcastic. There have actually been studies done on this. Check TIOBE's Programming Community Index (the URL seems to be spazzing right now). BASIC generally shows up in the top ten. I actually find that many people are programming too "object-oriented" a lot of the time. There needs to be a balance - having to go through like fifteen classes to get the functionality you want isn't very intuitive. I do see your point there. When I first tried the Windows Form Designer, I checked the code it generated too. Generally though, the generated code is extremely simplistic - just declaring and instantiating classes, setting some instance variables, and adding some event handlers.
  3. Programming courses are different. I don't suggest people start with C because I fear that they will be discouraged by its "boringness" and huge learning curve, and will just give up. That's what happened to me when I tried learning C as my first langauge (granted, I was 11 then...). If you're taking a programming course, you probably aren't doing it "for the fun of it", and therefore "boringness" won't be as big of a factor in whether you stay with the language or not.
  4. >_< I said cPanel. Does HelioNet look like cPanel? You've had your hosting account for a while, haven't you? Haven't you at least once logged into cPanel?
  5. Is bold and red not good enough for you? This forum is NOT for HelioHost support. Use the "Customer Support" forum above for hosting issues. Geez...
  6. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    They will reviewing newbies posts on HelioNet as well as reviewing all HelioHost accounts that they are assigned. I could offer more space and bandwidth and prioritized support if you guys want. It's just that the WhoIs query can easily be achieved through many free websites out on the internet right now. If you're talking about a .heliohost.org domain though, I guess I can see the use.
  7. Try Sungazer's suggestion; otherwise, I'm not sure we even offer ODBC. Why not just use the PHP MySQL library?
  8. Sorry I'll add Smarty to the wishlist for Stevie, our next server which comes online Thursday or Friday.
  9. Welcome You remind me of another forum member I know called giggsey
  10. But you're not learning anything that way.
  11. I did indeed mention earlier that this was the only scientifically feasible way of getting energy from antimatter. In fact, in that same post I explained why the method you just described, while scientifically feasible, is inpractical. (PS: Where do you get the statistic that matter-antimatter anihilation produces twice as much energy as nuclear fusion?) Anyways, I guess I'll repeat my basic concepts from the previous post while breaking them down further. It is unfeasible to harvest large amounts of antimatter for the following reasons: Most antimatter is extremely far away. Based on the idea that the speed of light is the fastest attainable speed, it would take us many, many years to reach anywhere with large amounts of antimatter.While some of our local gas giants have some antimatter, the amount is too minute to be feasible for use.The energy it would take to get to a location with antimatter, harvest it, store it, return with it, somehow contain its annihilation, and then the energy that will be lost in the process will almost for sure outweigh the benefits of harvesting this antimatter.Compare the two processes: Nuclear fusion requires an easily obtainable fuel and can without question generate sufficient energy for almost any purpose I can think of (think of the Sun - it is just a huge fusion reaction, and it powers the entire solar system). Matter-antimatter anihilation, however, requires a huge that is harder to get. Why should we generate electrical energy that way? The idea just doesn't make sense.
  12. Between those languages I would agree that BASIC is the best to start with, but have you considered scripting languages? Those generally are easier even than BASIC.
  13. Doesn't look like it's there - I can't find it in phpinfo(). Here's an easy way to check - try to call a function from the smarty library and see if that works.
  14. For the third time, it is scientifically impossible. I'll take the time to prove it to you in junior high physics form. The law of conservation of energy states that you can't gain energy. When you create anti-matter, you are turning kinetic energy into potential energy. Note that due to the law of conservation of energy you won't gain any energy from this - in fact, you will lose energy. Therefore, the creation of antimatter requires more energy than that antimatter contains. It is unfeasible to expect to gain any energy from doing two opposite processes. That is precisely what you are proposing - creating antimatter, and then destroying it. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, you cannot gain energy from this process. Let me know if you want me to go more in-depth.
  15. This discussion is like a upside-down parabola - starts with a stupid question, goes into deep stuff and complex thinking, and then degenerates into off-topic comments and personal attacks.
  16. I started with TI calculator BASIC. I would recommend it - it's really easy as the function library is tiny and browsable, and BASIC's string-based logic is easy to get the hang of. After that, I moved to PHP. PHP is also very easy and a good start language. It does away with datatypes generally so it's easier to learn and use. Perl, Python, and Ruby fit into this category as well, as do most scripting languages. Java and C# are also relatively easy, but have some more complex concepts - types and type casting, reference types, object-oriented programming, large class libraries you need to learn, etc. I don't recommend you start with C, C++, or anything low-level like that - you'll get way too confused as those languages are very hard to learn.
  17. That logic doesn't make sense. Let me break it down: First, you say you should make code that can compile and run on any platform. Why? What if your target contains only Windows users? What do you have to gain from platform independence? Generally, platform independent languages run far slower (case in point: Java) because of their constraints. Second, what is so great about being able to utilize open source tools and libraries? What if the open source tools and libraries are worse than the closed source ones? While open source development can result in great applications and platforms, just being open source is not much of a merit. BASIC is really not that different from C-based languages. Have you ever used it? It has a less intuitive syntax, more limits, and is generally less robust but I really don't see how BASIC makes you think like an idiot. A programming language makes you think based on its design style, ie. Java makes you think object oriented and C makes you think procedurally. BASIC is procedural as well; therefore, you can learn to think like a procedural programmer through its use. Why do you say that BASIC makes people think like idiots?
  18. Okay, PM me the email you used to signup for your account.
  19. S'all good, don't worry. As for the password, you tried it in the original case, right? It doesn't need to be in all caps or all lowercase.
  20. A blank page? Weird... I guess the connection might have timed out? Anywways, your account should be activated now. The other important information on that page had the URL to your cPanel: http://yourdomain.heliohost.org/cpanel. Make sure you type your username in lowercase letters.
  21. PHP is indeed easier to use and learn, as well as more widely supported. ASP.NET, however, is generally more powerful and once you get the hang of it it is easier to make websites with it.
  22. When did you signup? If you signed up for two accounts they might have been auto-deleted. EDIT You just signed up today. The message after registration clearly states that activation usually takes around 24 hours.
  23. Ashoat

    Changes Coming

    There's currently around 1500. With 5 or so mods, that would mean 300 accounts. If they divided the accounts up into weekdays, they would have 60 accounts to review daily. However, "reviewing" an account is very easy. I'm going to make a nice module that will sort of automate this with refreshing iframes, and like 50% of all accounts have nothing on them. I estimate each account will take 20 to 30 seconds, so altogether each mod will have to spend up to 30 minutes daily checking accounts. My guess is that most people will be willing. Does this check if a HelioHost subdomain has been taken, or if a TLD domain has been taken?
  24. I think you mean HelioHost management. HelioHost is the webhost, HelioNet is the forum. Anyways, you can add it as a parked domain or an addon domain pretty easily - that is what I would recommend. Go to your cPanel and choose ether parked domains or addon domains and it should be self-explanatory from there.
  25. Looks like you already signed up twice, which would explain why your account isn't working. Go ahead and try again.
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