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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Try connecting like this: <?php pg_connect("dbname=[user]_[dbname]"); ?> Let me know if it works.
  2. Unfortunately, still no reponse from cPanel. I'll try to escalate the issue
  3. Mmhmm.
  4. Host: heliohost.org Port: 22 Username: cpanelusername (unless you configured a seperate FTP user. If so, remember the @yourdomain part!) Password: cpanelpassword (unless you configured a seperate FTP user) Mode: passive
  5. I meant mods as in modification, not moderators. Neither of those systems fit the description people have come up with. There needs to be: Ability to rate up Ability to rate down Limit to rating per post Restriction of rating abilities to specific usergroups Note that IPB offers a built-in reputation system, but it doesn't meet those requirements either. But how am I punishing you if the Helions are useless? Also note that I am not OK with you being able to buy 24 domains with only 400 posts. These things cost me money.
  6. No advertising please.
  7. Karma sounds like a interesting idea, but there is one major problem: what mod is available for the features you guys described?
  8. I'll try to make it clearer in the next site.
  9. There is also the point that PDF's are really, really annoying to load.
  10. What exactly? The thing is, the store is useless unless it has something besides domain registration in it.
  11. That wasn't a pope. It was a Catholic monk, and his ideas, while widely accepted for a while, were never endorsed by Catholicism, let alone Christianity, let alone all "Religion". EDIT Here's the Wikipedia article on that guy. Turns out he was an archbishop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Ussher.
  12. Already done Hmmm... I see a potential for corruption though. A few people could make a coalition and give each other a bunch of "karma" just to get a domain. Perhaps if only reputable members could give out "karma"?
  13. I've deleted your old account. You can now try signing up with a .heliohost.org domain.
  14. Eh, I don't think it would be that bad. Either way, giving people domains for nothing isn't really a solution to the spamming problem. Ermm... I'd really prefer that you wait until you have at least 300 posts. You have less than half of what you should...
  15. OK, it should be working 100% from now on. I'm pretty sure I've figured out the issue and fixed it.
  16. I'm sort of starting to think we should get rid of Helions. With the ad plan no longer having ads and offering 250mb disk/2500mb BW, both hosting plans in the store are rendered useless.The "fun" items in the store aren't used often and are kind of pointless.The only useful item left in the store is the domain registration. However, at this point it might be easier just to offer one domain per 500 posts, because...I've gotten domain requests from people with like 120 posts (shouldn't be enough) that got that much Helions by just collecting interest.People pass on their Helions to friends if they don't need them, and then I end up paying for domains for people who haven't even posted.The store is buggy and complicated. Just a month or so ago it screwed up and gave the wrong user Helions, and for every domain somebody buys I have to communicate over PM and that's much more difficult than using the standard forums.Are there really any uses left for Helions and the store? PS: AverageJoe, I got your PM but for some reason IPB won't let me reply. We're kind of running an outdated version of IPB... I'll upgrade sometime soon.
  17. It's not that you're spamming. When you were signing up, there was big bolded text at the bottom of the screen that you neglected to read.
  18. I think that IPB is the best, but I'm pretty biased on this subject
  19. Why not just publish the tutorial in HTML? Nowadays, you can save a Word document in HTML.
  20. You didn't read the big bolded text, that's what's wrong.
  21. Please research the concept of SSL before requesting it. For SSL to work, you need a certificate. Try Wikipedia or Google.
  22. Note that we also support ASP.NET, but there are some broken parts to it. Read the article on ASP.NET on our soon-to-be-released new website.
  23. I don't think so... I'm not 100% sure on how Neomail works. My only worry would be that it might get rid of all your existing messages or your folder structure. Open up another one of the email clients and see if the folders are the same and if you still have the same files you had in Neomail. If yes, then I'm pretty sure you can safely discard the Neomail folder
  24. Hi Ivar! Your account has been activated. To install Wordpress, simply click the Fantastico link in your cPanel (http://stevie.heliohost.org/cpanel) and it should be self-explanatory from there
  25. 1: It was an issue with the ScriptAlias directive not been transferred with the virtualhost config from the old server. Fixed. 2: It was indeed a permissions error. See if it is working now. 3: Hmm, I don't seem to remember installing ImageMagick last time. Turns out it's part of the cPanel Pro extension we had on the old server and never used. Okay, I'm installing the ImageMagick extension now. Let me know if it works. 4: Neomail... I'll look around and get back to you on that. EDIT Yes, it looks like the latest version of cPanel doesn't support Neomail anymore. Roundcube, Squirrelmail, and Horde are still available though.
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