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[Solved] Help in suspended ac & problem with FTP

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I am facing 2 problems with my peace2u.heliohost.org 

When i log into to via ohnny.heliohost.org:8443, i notice my account is suspended probably because my site has execeeded the limit of 1M ie 1010.7 MB used of 1000 MB

When i try to go into the backend of the site using FTP, i have problem.

Please tell me how i to resolve this.  I use with username fuzmic and use my password but entry is not possible.  I use TotalCommander to access. TC may be the problem.

Please help. Thank you.

Edited by fuzmic
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Posted (edited)

I try to use FileZilla to do FTP by login to using username fuzmic i get following response

"530 Login incorrect.  Error:    Critical error: Could not connect to server"


Is all these a case suspended Ac?

Edited by fuzmic
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Posted (edited)

Looks like my FTP block came from the website suspension, just wait for removal of some unnecessary files such as those added due to migration to plesk. Just queuing to be fixed.

Perhaps time to add more space. What is the cheapest way to double my current storage. The USD translation to Ringit is steep. 😢

Edited by fuzmic
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Here is your disk usage:

Backups       0 MB
Emails     4.17 MB
Files    693.30 MB
Trash         0 MB
Logs     126.91 MB
PSQL          0 MB
MySQL    186.69 MB
Total   1011.07 MB

Your logs look a little big

-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root      0 Jan 11  2023 access_log
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   8.7M Jun 25 06:47 access_log.processed
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root   3.6K Jun 25 06:46 access_log.webstat
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root    46K Jun 25 20:02 access_ssl_log
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   113M Jun 25 06:47 access_ssl_log.processed
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root   152K Jun 25 06:46 access_ssl_log.webstat
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   4.9M Jun 25 08:12 error_log
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln 136K Jul 26  2019 peace2u.heliohost.org-Jul-2019.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln  41K Jul 14  2021 peace2u.heliohost.org-Jul-2021.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln  25K Jul 26  2019 peace2u.heliohost.org-ssl_log-Jul-2019.gz
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuzmic psacln  70K Jul 14  2021 peace2u.heliohost.org-ssl_log-Jul-2021.gz
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   1.1K Jun 25 18:47 proxy_access_log
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   3.2K Jun 25 18:51 proxy_access_ssl_log
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root   454K Jun 25 14:20 proxy_error_log
drwxr-xr-x. 2 fuzmic psacln    6 Sep 21  2020 roundcube
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root      0 Apr 16 04:49 xferlog_regular
-rw-r--r--. 2 root   root    12K Apr 16 04:49 xferlog_regular.processed

113 MB of your total space is occupied by that one access log. I recommend setting a maximum size of 10-50 MB or so for logs in Plesk unless you actually need all of that log data.

34 minutes ago, fuzmic said:

Perhaps time to add more space. What is the cheapest way to double my current storage. The USD translation to Ringit is steep.

You can send us $5 USD with PayPal, or any of the cryptocurrencies listed at https://heliohost.org/donate/ 

I deleted that one log file and your usage looks like this now.

Backups       0 MB
Emails     4.17 MB
Files    693.30 MB
Trash         0 MB
Logs      14.54 MB
PSQL          0 MB
MySQL    186.69 MB
Total    898.70 MB

Can you login now?

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Thank you bro for the clearing & the helpful info

FTP using TotalCommander now working. Cherrio

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Bro where & how to limit the log file, do I use logrotate() in plesk

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Posted (edited)

Thanks bro,

I follow your pointer to get to website / domains > log rotation to get to the log rotation dialog. 

Then at dialog, set accordingly.😄


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Posted (edited)

Bro how to get a break down of the disk usage as you tabulated in your response shown above..the current disk usage total is 902.6 kb

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46 minutes ago, fuzmic said:

Bro how to get a break down of the disk usage as you tabulated in your response shown above..the current disk usage total is 902.6 kb

It's an SSH command that only root admins have access to.

Backups       0 MB
Emails     4.32 MB
Files    507.16 MB
Trash         0 MB
Logs      18.38 MB
PSQL          0 MB
MySQL    186.91 MB
Total    716.77 MB

I noticed that your tmp directory had 180 MB of crap from 2019-2021 that cPanel left behind so I deleted all that for you.

0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/httpdocs
402M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html
72K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/error_docs
4.0K    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/.ssh
20K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/0fr
104M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/1zm
2.1M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/etc
0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_ftp
68K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/ssl
0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/tmp
0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/zips
12K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/.composer

I'm wondering about that 1zm directory now too. Is that a backup that you created?

0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/cgi-bin
0       /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/.well-known
56M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/administrator
16K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/bin
5.1M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/cache
40K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/cli
20M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/components
95M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/images
12K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/includes
720K    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/language
716K    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/layouts
20M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/libraries
12K     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/logs
30M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/media
5.9M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/modules
1.4M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/mw-articles
66M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/myvideo
45M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/phpAdm
14M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/plugins
7.7M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/templates
1.6M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/temporarily_renamed_attachments_folder
4.0K    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/tmp
27M     /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/vault
402M    /home/peace2u.heliohost.org/public_html/

Another option we could do is we always recommend people do a full reset when they have issues with their old cPanel transfer accounts. These old accounts have a lot of strange bugs. We could do a full backup for you and then reset your account back to the original empty state if you want. That would be the best way to clean out all of the old junk, and then you could restore the parts of your full backup that you actually need.

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Posted (edited)

The 1zm folder can go.

Does the full reset mean the contents are restore too.  Thank you

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No, a full reset deletes the entire account including its content. You'd have to make a backup beforehand, then manually restore everything afterwards.

The 1zm folder has been deleted.

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Bro then leave the reset alone for the moment   Thanks for the watch over.

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