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I am facing problem while installing STAATIC WordPress plugin. The error shows :

Current version


Target version



Unable to execute query: ' CREATE TABLE wp_staatic_builds ( id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, uuid varchar(40) NOT NULL, entry_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, destination_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_uuid varchar(40), date_created datetime NOT NULL, date_crawl_started datetime, date_crawl_finished datetime, num_urls_crawlable int(11), num_urls_crawled int(11), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY uuid (uuid) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; ': Table 'wp_staatic_builds' already exists


Table 'wp_staatic_builds' already exists


I think that's pretty self explanatory. Either it's already installed or there are remains of a previous (perhaps failed?) installation in your database. If you don't have this extension installed already, backup your WP database, then drop all the tables starting with wp_staatic_ and try installing it again.

  On 1/6/2023 at 1:02 PM, wolstech said:

then drop all the tables starting with wp_staatic_ and try installing it again.


Yes, I have dropped tables and reinstalled but no effect. I have tried to install Staatic Plugin on a fresh & new site ( on another domain hosted on heliohost: msbsurfi.helioho.st ) but same message shows. I think the plugin can't be installed properly on heliohost. But I need it to be installed properly.



It sounds like either a bug in the extension or maybe incompatible versions if that's the case. The extension's readme says it needs PHP 7.0 but you're using PHP 8.1, perhaps try changing that domain to PHP 7.x and trying again?



I could installed the plugin and the addon properly but it seems the plugin can't crawl the website due to lower php execution time. Here I have attached the screenshot.

The plugin edition is amazing. It would be of great help if netlify deployment and Cloudflare workers deployment add-ons are also added.



The plugin does not work. It shows the same error when I click on "Generate Static Site" . 

I installed the "Simply Static" plugin which can extract a static version successfully but not all functions are satisfactory. 

Another plugin "Staatic" is best for creating static site and automatically deploy to netlify. But this plugin can't be installed properly here. I attached a screenshot.

The modified plugin "wp2Static" will be the best to me when it has- 1. Proper functionality 2. Cloudflare workers auto deployment 3. Netlify auto deployment.

I want to make a blog on https://bangla.msbsurfi.me/ which will be only for a region (Bangladesh). If I host dynamic WordPress site in free hosting, how many visitors can visit the site at the same time? Where can I see on Plesk "how much load my site takes" as overload is not allowed?




Now I tried to install "Staatic" again and it was successfully installed. But I don't know what was the problem. The change was only PHP max execution time 5 minutes. 

  On 1/8/2023 at 12:32 PM, msbsurfi said:

If I host dynamic WordPress site in free hosting, how many visitors can visit the site at the same time? Where can I see on Plesk "how much load my site takes" as overload is not allowed?


Wordpress causes more load than pretty much any other software you can run. Here's what your load looks like for the last 24 hours:


You've used 34.7 GB or memory and 4135 units of CPU for only 352.3 MB of traffic. You're 3rd highest on memory usage for Johnny and highest CPU usage. You'll have access to this information yourself through your dashboard eventually.

It's hard to say how many visitors you can have because the memory and CPU usage varies wildly depending on how many plugins you have, etc.


i would recommend making your WordPress site into a static site so you don't use a lot of server resources. there are many plugins that will help you with that. You can also use a caching plugin.

  On 1/9/2023 at 2:48 PM, moneybrz said:

i would recommend making your WordPress site into a static site so you don't use a lot of server resources. there are many plugins that will help you with that. You can also use a caching plugin.


I think that's what he was trying to do...the plugin he's using to generate a static WP site needs a bunch of resources itself though (apparently the install alone needed a really long PHP runtime setting in order to finish without timing out).

  On 1/9/2023 at 2:53 PM, wolstech said:

I think that's what he was trying to do...the plugin he's using to generate a static WP site needs a bunch of resources itself though (apparently the install alone needed a really long PHP runtime setting in order to finish without timing out).


Yes it can use a lot of resources depending on how big the site is.

  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is late, but for people who want to convert to static without a plugin. You can try out HTTRACK https://www.httrack.com/ which is an application that works on your computer to do this. You can also use something like Laragon (Windows recommended) or Local by Flywheel (Mac recommended, Linux, or Windows) to host your wordpress site locally and install something like Simply Static or Staatic on it.

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