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Everything posted by msbsurfi

  1. Thanks. Can you please suggest me a well known LMS (learning management system) software written in php which will run well in a free server. May be there will be 10-20 users. I am not installing moodle and I am also searching for other options.
  2. Skip to main content Installation - Moodle 4.3.2 (Build: 20231222) Moodle 4.3.2 (Build: 20231222) For information about this version of Moodle, please see the online Release Notes Server checks Name Information Report Plugin Status unicode must be installed and enabled OK database postgres (14.10) version 13 is required and you are running 14.10 OK php version 8.0.0 is required and you are running 8.2.13 OK pcreunicode should be installed and enabled for best results OK php_extension iconv must be installed and enabled OK php_extension mbstring must be installed and enabled OK php_extension curl must be installed and enabled OK php_extension openssl must be installed and enabled OK php_extension tokenizer should be installed and enabled for best results OK php_extension soap should be installed and enabled for best results OK php_extension ctype must be installed and enabled OK php_extension zip must be installed and enabled OK php_extension zlib must be installed and enabled OK php_extension gd must be installed and enabled OK php_extension simplexml must be installed and enabled OK php_extension spl must be installed and enabled OK php_extension pcre must be installed and enabled OK php_extension dom must be installed and enabled OK php_extension xml must be installed and enabled OK php_extension xmlreader must be installed and enabled OK php_extension intl must be installed and enabled OK php_extension json must be installed and enabled OK php_extension hash must be installed and enabled OK php_extension fileinfo must be installed and enabled OK php_extension sodium must be installed and enabled OK php_extension exif should be installed and enabled for best results OK php_setting memory_limit recommended setting detected OK php_setting file_uploads recommended setting detected OK php_setting opcache.enable recommended setting detected OK Other checks Information Report Plugin Status max_input_vars this test must pass PHP setting max_input_vars must be at least 5000. Check You must solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to install this Moodle version! Reload Powered by Moodle
  3. Do I have the following php extensions enabled here to install Moodle?
  4. Hi there, Kindly remove my domain (msbsurfi.me) and add a new domain (msbsurfi.tech). you can make (clik.tk) the default domain name. Regards, MD Shifat Bin Siddique
  5. Oh I can access my account but now I need to reset my password.
  6. After I clicked to reactivate my archived account, I lost access to my heliohost account. I tried with valid password but it rejects login with that username/password. Username: msbsurfi
  7. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Can you please delete the account and send me a link so that I can sign up again.
  8. Thanks for replying. Can you please delete my existing domains with all data and not my account. Also add the following domains: 1. msbsurfi.me 2. cipher.tk 3. clik.tk I'll keep the last 2 domains inactive. Occasionally I need to test php scripts or host a temporary website. So I am keeping them added.
  9. Instead of adding "edu.msbsurfi.me" please add the following domains: 1. msbsurfi.me 2. cipher.tk 3. clik.tk 4.web.msbsurfi.me
  10. Username: msbsurfi 1. Please Reset my account and Start over 2. Add a domain "edu.msbsurfi.me"
  11. It may take up to 48 hours in order to get everything ok. Thanks.
  12. Thanks a lot. This is a nice idea to get it done locally. This practice will reduce load on server also.
  13. Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
  14. Now I tried to install "Staatic" again and it was successfully installed. But I don't know what was the problem. The change was only PHP max execution time 5 minutes.
  15. The plugin does not work. It shows the same error when I click on "Generate Static Site" . I installed the "Simply Static" plugin which can extract a static version successfully but not all functions are satisfactory. Another plugin "Staatic" is best for creating static site and automatically deploy to netlify. But this plugin can't be installed properly here. I attached a screenshot. The modified plugin "wp2Static" will be the best to me when it has- 1. Proper functionality 2. Cloudflare workers auto deployment 3. Netlify auto deployment. I want to make a blog on https://bangla.msbsurfi.me/ which will be only for a region (Bangladesh). If I host dynamic WordPress site in free hosting, how many visitors can visit the site at the same time? Where can I see on Plesk "how much load my site takes" as overload is not allowed?
  16. I could installed the plugin and the addon properly but it seems the plugin can't crawl the website due to lower php execution time. Here I have attached the screenshot. The plugin edition is amazing. It would be of great help if netlify deployment and Cloudflare workers deployment add-ons are also added.
  17. Please add bangla.msbsurfi.me to my hosting. Username: msbsurfi
  18. Yes, I have dropped tables and reinstalled but no effect. I have tried to install Staatic Plugin on a fresh & new site ( on another domain hosted on heliohost: msbsurfi.helioho.st ) but same message shows. I think the plugin can't be installed properly on heliohost. But I need it to be installed properly.
  19. I am facing problem while installing STAATIC WordPress plugin. The error shows : Current version 0.0.0 Target version 1.3.4 Error Unable to execute query: ' CREATE TABLE wp_staatic_builds ( id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, uuid varchar(40) NOT NULL, entry_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, destination_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_uuid varchar(40), date_created datetime NOT NULL, date_crawl_started datetime, date_crawl_finished datetime, num_urls_crawlable int(11), num_urls_crawled int(11), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY uuid (uuid) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; ': Table 'wp_staatic_builds' already exists
  20. Please add content.msbsurfi.me domain and let me know if I need to add DNS records or change nameservers.
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