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Everything posted by msbsurfi

  1. Yes, I have dropped tables and reinstalled but no effect. I have tried to install Staatic Plugin on a fresh & new site ( on another domain hosted on heliohost: msbsurfi.helioho.st ) but same message shows. I think the plugin can't be installed properly on heliohost. But I need it to be installed properly.
  2. I am facing problem while installing STAATIC WordPress plugin. The error shows : Current version 0.0.0 Target version 1.3.4 Error Unable to execute query: ' CREATE TABLE wp_staatic_builds ( id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, uuid varchar(40) NOT NULL, entry_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, destination_url varchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_uuid varchar(40), date_created datetime NOT NULL, date_crawl_started datetime, date_crawl_finished datetime, num_urls_crawlable int(11), num_urls_crawled int(11), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY uuid (uuid) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; ': Table 'wp_staatic_builds' already exists
  3. Please add content.msbsurfi.me domain and let me know if I need to add DNS records or change nameservers.
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