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Posted (edited)

Hello guys.

On 2022-12-01 (YYYY-MM-DD) at 02:18 am (UTC -3) I made a donation to jump the line on Plesk's migration.

After that the "Plesk ETA" page indicated that my account would be moved on 2022-12-03 (YYYY-MM-DD).

My problem is: now the same page is saying that my account will be moved on 2022-12-04 (YYYY-MM-DD).

Did I do something wrong that is interfering with the process? If so, how could I fix it?

PS.: Receipt number (PayPal): 1815307862842061.

Edited by Kairion
Problem was caused by DDoS attacks but account was already moved, thus I consider it solved.

There was a DDoS so we skipped a day because if we had sent out invites they probably wouldn't have worked while the server was down anyways.

  • Sad 1

Thanks for the info. I had no idea HelioHost was suffering DDoS attacks.

Honestly, why would anyone attack a NPO who just provide free hosting? Some people really are jerks.

I hope they realize this is stupid and stop it soon.


I don't think they know they're ddosing an NPO. 99% sure they're ddosing a specific domain while unknowingly affecting everyone else using heliohost.

  • Kairion changed the title to [Solved] Plesk ETA

The above post pretty much nailed it. They likely have no idea who we are, but rather are unhappy with some random user's website. They just look up the IP of the server hosting the site and launch the attack at that. Because of the way our servers work and the type of attack they're using, we have no way of knowing which website/user they don't like because the server IP is shared by everyone.

We've been hit before, sometimes repeatedly, but this one is getting ridiculous.

While this one probably isn't (at least not on our part), a lot of the DDoS attacks we see here are retaliation of some form. I know of at least one case where someone donated for an account, almost immediately got banned without a refund or replacement because they used the account to set up a phishing site, then DDoS'd us when they lost their money.

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