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and the same happens on fire fox


and also i cleaned the cache



i want to tell u that since march 2017 and i,m suffering here


and when i converted to tommy 3 monthes ago i hoped that matter of collapsing were solved but



look here,,



thiswhat was used to happen on johny



and happens now on tommy








wait your word here?



and if there is no solution for that matter tell me so i can decide to cancel my account,, because business here is down because of that


Oh that error. When you say collapsing, I though you meant it was down entirely.


That session expiration error message is generally due to your IP address changing too often. It’s caused by your internet provider. You’ll need to complain to your provider and see if they can make your IP change less often (or even better, give you a static one).


Otherwise you’ll need to use a proxy or vpn to access our services.




i tird iver and over and it,s the same



so my provider can,t make or give me static ip because of his security matters



so tell me if i need to use the vpn,, will i need to back to the provider and ask him to give me his ip address ,to to compatible with the vpn ,, and what if it works and then later gives any conflicts, wait your words quickly,


well the matter of vpn is done and i got it and i will set it up today



now there is here the problem of the title that i itld u before about when i asked u to change it



look here and press that link https://dropprob.heliohost.org/wp/



this is the site as i work on i now and with the theme steps as i did it



but when u press here https://dropprob.heliohost.org/




u find blank one and nothing



pls fix that matter ??


ok let,s brief that horrible matter now


as ,the member /


said his word,, i did it and the result now is,,







and that one ,which i need it to be worked, is , like here






i need u here to know how much time did i spend here tto work on filezilla ,uploading themes and work on videos and remove themes and upload it and setup wordpress and remove it


why all that untidy ,and compatible steps , come appearing usually





i asked you to make that domain //i mean that address// https://dropprob.heliohost.org ,,working


and it still



and when i try to set up the theme and move all its files which its located ((in the root public_html folder)) as the member said



all become mess


and the site collapsed


and i realize that,,





look at that link well and u will understand all what i spent untill now, effort ,time,



u didn,t change any thing


and what u see it on the link, of the print screen



is also the same, on cpanel file manager//promotall.heliohost.org//



and as u know i asked u before tons ,to cancell it



now , will we end here that horrible situation. or what,



the admin should reply


That promotall.heliohost.org folder is useless. You can ignore it or even delete it since it doesn't point to anything anymore. Your domain dropprob.heliohost.org points to public_html, and not that promotall.heliohost.org folder.


Your WordPress install is broken though. The easiest way to set up your site considering everything is broken would be to start over.

  • Delete everything inside public_html except cgi-bin (do not delete cgi-bin or the public_html folder itself, just the files inside the folders). If you don't want to delete everything, make a new folder and move all the files in there.
  • Use Softaculous to install WordPress in the public_html folder. After it's installed, you should be able to access it at http://dropprob.heliohost.org
  • Log into WordPress and build your site.

is there big difference, to be on https, and https www



2-now can i upload the theme and start working?

There is no difference between HTTPS and HTTPS www. The www is a fake subdomain the system creates so a user who types "www.dropprob.heliohost.org" will still see your site. All sites do this now since some users still www, and others don't.


Yes you can upload your theme and start working now :)


yes uploaded successfuly and i will take some actions now



now through the previous days i reviewd and read much about vpn programs


and cybergohst vpn is v good as people say and also private internet access



the problem now when i talked with cybergohst support, they told me, if u can,t see our wensite so that means u can,t use our service basically


so i disabled// the firewall of eset security// to see and the result also i couldn,t see the site


but i loged to them through proxy


now, i ,m asking will any vpn conflicts with the fire wall


i want now to end that matter to avoid the message of ip loosing which i sent to you screen shoot previously,


thanks, wait,---


You can avoid the block for cPanel logins by logging using https://heliohost.org/login (this link won't block you). For FTP and others, as long as you don't use invalid credentials, you won't get blocked.


If you want to use a VPN for security, yes you can. We allow VPN use. It's still possible to get blocked though (you'll just get the VPN blocked instead of your own IP). Also, when you are blocked, your site is still up for everybody but yourself, so if you're concerned about your block causing downtime for your site visitors, getting blocked won't affect them at all.

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