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The password reset only changes your cPanel password, so it will only affect cPanel, FTP, and similar services that we provide.


Software you installed on your website won't be affected by a password reset. If you want them to match, you need to go change your software's passwords to match.



the word that i said it so how can i change it //the domain name // ??



i mean by it,, to change ,, the -wwww.--------.heliohost.org that subdomain one we get it when we setup the wordpress



so is the link that u posted it above on that step, correct and suitable for what i want to change


i need to change the word which comes before heliohost.org



wait you,


The link he posted is how you change that: http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain


Put your username in the first box, password in the second box, and the full domain in the third box (e.g. newsubdomain.heliohost.org). Submit it, then wait an hour or two for the DNS changes to propagate, and it should work (you're on Tommy, so it will take effect on our end very quickly).


thanks rankx,, i will do it now



but during that hours waiting,, the designer here tells me that if u build any thing now on the site,,, or even upload your theme


all of that will be lost when change are taken its effects so,


can i upload the theme now safely,


can i make any step on the site during that waiting time ,,





You can make changes while you wait for a domain change to take effect. You just won't be able to see them until the changes finish processing.


The only time you can't do this is if you're moving servers (which you're not doing).


thanks , i already changed the domain, 7 hours ago



and untill now the site is down, , u told me you r on tommy it,s too fast




but the automatic message says the changes will happen after 48 hours



can u do something ??




the old and new domain when i visit them give me that



This site can’t be reached

promotall.heliohost.org’s server DNS address could not be found.




and that after i cleaned the google chorome chache



and the same for firefox



pls do something because i want to finish that matter


You can only have one something.heliohost.org domain. Changing your domain replaces the old one with the new one. If you want to keep promotall.heliohost.org, you can't have dropprob.heliohost.org too.


You can use the same script to change it back if you want.


Tommy is not down.


Johnny is down though. I'm not sure what's causing that, but it is Johnny...we don't make any guarantees for Johnny's uptime. It's an experimental server, so breaking, going down, and being abused is considered normal. Johnny shouldn't really impact you anyway since you're on Tommy.




when i log to heliohost.org


and enter my account to eneter and then press on go to cpanel


it doesn,t take more than seconds



untill all data are lost and collapsed


and if i entered even for cpanel file manager



it says //oh lost connection ,,


even the page and dataaren,t shown fully



is there a solution i need to finish here?


It sounds like a network or computer problem on your end. Tommy is working fine for everyone else. You're using the account nadeem12, correct?

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