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Hi thanks for your reply i gave svnrepo in the textfield and create same name folder in home directory

And then what happened? Was there an error message, or did it work?

It end with error only

The following errors were found :

  • The SVN repository directory does not exist.

It is going upto Checking the submitted data (95 %)

and then end with above error.


What I was asking was for you to say something like

in which case I would have said you need to pick something within your /home/ directory because you don't have read/write privileges to /var/www or you could have said

in which case I could have checked to see if that directory existed but looking at the code closer it looks like SVNManager uses the exec() functions which aren't going to work anyways because we have them disabled for security reasons.


It is possible to get SVNManager working, but some of its functions aren't going to work because of not being able to execute commands on the shell. If you would like to proceed I can help you get it as functional as it's going to get, but you have to give me slightly more informative answers to my questions.

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Hi Admin

Thanks for your valuable time and detail reply. I want to ask one questio is this possible rather than i will use SVNMANAGER(As you mentioned restrictions) can i install and access SVN some other medium if yes can you share how to access your installed SVN?


We don't offer any way to directly access SVN since we don't allow shell access. What is the reason you really need SVN on a shared host anyway?


If you're doing it to install software from a repo, you can just check the source out and upload it over FTP instead.

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