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Can anyone help me fix this problem " Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Unable to decode audio data " every time i want looping my audio using this js " https://howlerjs.com/ " the audio won't to play but it will be download and this error always appear, how i can fix this problem ?


That error usually means the browser can't understand the audio file format (Chrome used to be known to have issues with certain ones like OGG), or that the audio file being played is corrupt.


Have you tried a different audio file and different browser?


I've used different audio like mp3, ogg, and wav but the result is the same, and I tried using different browser but the error still looks the same, if the audio is corrupt, i can not play it for my website now, but i can still play it with manual javascript looping (not howler js) but it does not work for mobile, only howler js that support loooping on the mobile


Googling seems to suggest people beyond the ones in that bug report are also having these problems with howler.js...


Have you tried using a different library?


I'm recommending you replace howler.js with something else and see if it works (the error is related to how howler's audio output is handled by your browser).


It's not the only javascript out there that can do what you're asking, so try a different script and see if it performs properly.

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