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I have created Mysql database on Heliohost via cPanel - Mysql wizard,


How do I import my database schemmas and data to the server?


I assume you have a [ .sql ] file to import


1.> goto [ phpMyAdmin ] in cPanel


2.> in [ phpMyAdmin ] select you database (left hand side)


3.> in [ phpMyAdmin ] select [ Import ] tag


Thank you Rank but I am not using PHP..


I have an option to export .sql file but what should I do with it? Upload via FTP? Where must I save it?


Thank you Rank but I am not using PHP..

I did not say anything about PHP



I have an option to export .sql file but what should I do with it? Upload via FTP? Where must I save it?

export your current database into a [ .SQL ] file - then import it into you new database at Heliohost using phpMyAdmin as said above



I understood now. phpAdmin of Heliohost. Thank you so much. I will try.

well, i got this error.



Query SQL:

-- Current Database: `barcode`
CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `barcode` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;

Mensagem do MySQL: dot.gif

#1044 - Access denied for user 'afarias'@'localhost' to database 'barcode'



I did make GRANT for ALL functions and I`m the unique user. on Heliohost.


Some idea? Thanks again.


You have to create a database called barcode in cPanel first. You cannot create databases through PhpMyAdmin.

OP received that error while doing a [ import ]


I assume his [ SQL ] file contains a CREATE DATABASE / USE statement


the [ SQL ] needs to be maid without CREATE DATABASE / USE statement(s)


I did, as I said in the first post, indeed Heliohost have prefixed barcode with my username (afarias) becoming afarias_barcode.


Should I change the .sql file and include afarias_ as a prefix of all my database references?

indeed there is a


CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `barcode` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;

USE `barcode`;
Just take it off?

can you make a new [ SQL ] file from your current database - without that ?


I did comment that lines and I`m trying again.


It creates the databases but all of them are empty.


and after some time runing import...

Internal Server Error


The subprocess (php) failed to send content during the allowed timeframe.

cpsrvd/ Server at johnny.heliohost.org

We've had some issues with the cpanel phpmyadmin running slow, and that could be what is causing the 500 errors. You could also try installing phpmyadmin through softaculous and import your database through that.


Dear Krydos. I did install phpmyadmin locally. How do I point it to phpmyadmin of Heliohost?

My .sql file is just 44kB large.

Is there a way to connect my databases from MySql Workbench to Mysql databases of Heliohost?


I did install phpmyadmin locally.

is that on your computer or in your Heliohost account ??



How do I point it to phpmyadmin of Heliohost?

I assume that you have installed phpMyAdmin in your Heliohost account using Softaculous in cPanel


in you browser URL bar - http://[ the domain of your Heliohost account ]/[ the folder that you set up phpMyAdmin in ]/index.php


without the brackets


Log in with your cPanel's user name and password



Is there a way to connect my databases from MySql Workbench to Mysql databases of Heliohost?

IMO - it is better to export your database - as a SQL file to your computer - with out any "make database" commands in it


then use phpMyAdmin on Heliohost to import it to your database



Dear bdistler.


I did install phpMyadmin from XAMPP. I think it wil not work based on your assumption that I have to install it from Softaculous. I had some problem with that web page when I made click Install option it redirect me to login page all the times. I will try again and report to you. Thank you so much.


I`m getting the folowing error after click INSTALL


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Could you please send me a step by step to get and install phpMyadmin from Softaculous?

This is the URL I though as correct, : https://www.softaculous.com/apps/dbtools/phpMyAdmin

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