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[Solved] Suspended: Metals


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No, she doesn't need to go elsewhere if she doesn't want to. I'm convinced she didn't install the malware intentionally or maliciously. As wolstech already said the existing account is too corrupted to be unsuspended, and we must keep the data intact for law enforcement to research the illegal activity if they need to. We can remove the domain(s) from the account though so you can use them to create a new account. Let us know how you'd like to proceed.

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i really dont want to cause any trouble to anyone, i think i know where i did my mistake (instaling that plugin), i would like to know which is the most safe way and best way this situation to be solved. If is not to much to ask, can you guys tell me what should i do, and what that means to create a new account. Thx in advance.

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working now, thank you and sorry again that i have caused you soo much troubles. Can you help me how to be careful and not to happen again. which software should i use, or i can use wordpress (which i only know) and not adding new unknown plugins? i really dont want to make you troubles again.

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Joomla is a fairly popular alternative to WordPress. There's also a bunch of lesser-known ones out there too, but they have fewer choices for expansion.


If you really want to restore WordPress, just don't get plugins off of random websites (these dubious "free" plugins are actually funded by the malware). Use reputable sites like the official https://wordpress.org/plugins/ and https://wordpress.org/themes/ to look for such stuff. Also be sure to keep everything updated since the updates often fix bugs and security holes that can be used to infect websites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

is there any chance to use my old domains : iloveheavymetal.tk and designzs.tk , i tried to add them on my new account but is says

(XID ctyeba) A DNS entry for “designzs.tk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.

and same for iloveheavymetal.tk


Thx in advance :)

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