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[Solved] Annoying & Useless Password Reset!


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I have not been able to use my heliohost account for months as I forgot my password and each time I do a reset I never get any email! Yes, I have checked my SPAM folder and whatnot but this is really p*****g me off as all I can do it reactivate my dormant account all the time and now, when I really need to upload a website for feedback on an assignment, nothing is working!


I have never had anything but problems with Heliohost. Granted it is free, but I just use it for testing (like once/twice a year) and either the server is so unreliable, down all the time or database gets corrupted etc. I could not imagine relying on Heliohost for any serious hosting, but what I definitely have learnt is that you must get a stable and reliable hosting provider if you are serious about creating websites; unfortunately, I would never consider to pay for Heliohost due to all these issues I have faced nor recommend it to anyone.


I understand you work hard for free but please could someone please sort out the (basic) damn password reset for me!


Thank you!

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Ok, I have reset the password manually and PM'd you a new password. It must be a problem from your side that you aren't receiving those emails for password reset.


Also, to let you know that the database was never corrupted and now the MySQL server is much more stable than before. You are on Johnny and it is an experimental server, if you need more uptime, you should prefer to move to Stevie.

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@yashrs - You should always send the new password to the email address they registered with. Just so you know. It's no big deal this time but it could get us in trouble if a hacker requested his password reset and he didn't own the domain.

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The password reset issue is probably one of the more common issues people have. Some people don't get the mail because a few email providers flag the reset mail as spam (some will delete it without putting it in Spam). Other times people get confirmation codes that don't work...that happens for many reasons, but the most common reason is because your account is inactive or suspended when you reset the password.


As for reliability, I've never had any major issues with reliability here. I've been here on Stevie for 3 years. I'm running 2 websites and numerous backend/internal use systems in my account. Aside from the MySQL issue in February (granted it still isn't fixed), I've never had an issue. There's downtime for maintenance overnight on occasion, but it seems to last like 10 minutes. For the price we pay, it's the best offer out there.


You are on Johnny it seems, which is the reason we're down so much for you. His uptime is indeed terrible. If you need the reliability, you should move to Stevie.


@yashrs: When resetting passwords, you should send it to the registration email address showing in the acp, not by PM. EDIT: Byron beat me to it...

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