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Posts posted by jje

  1. The question actually arose for me when trying to sign up for SAS ShareaSale affiliation program which would not accept an address of the form pete@icefactory.heliohost.org instead requiring an address at a top level domain


    If you have problems with that, then you can get a .tk or .co.cc domain.

    I don't think they are classed as top level domains, btw.

  2. Yes. :)


    When Stevie and Johnny have a balanced amount of accounts, both will be really stable.


    Only websites on the Johnny server will be able to use services like ASP.NET and JSP.

    Websites that don't use ASP.NET or JSP will be hosted on Stevie.

    However, Stevie will be more stable than Johnny.


    (we don't have any permanent decisions)

  3. There will probably be intermittent 500 errors. ;)


    We haven't made any permanent decisions yet. When Johnny is up, both servers will be much more stable.

    If you use services like ASP.NET (etc), then you will probably be moved to Johnny by request (or any other way).

    We haven't made any permanent decisions though - please don't spread rumors.

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