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Posts posted by jje

  1. @wenmi01 - Try deleting index.htm from 'public_html' instead of 'www'.


    Also, when you access the cPanel File Manager, you are usually asked which directory you wish to navigate to. Just below that question, could you tick the checkbox that says 'Show hidden files (dot files)'.


    Then, in the file manager, could you go to 'public_html' and delete .htaccess if you see it.


    Something else you could try is clearing your cache.


    @Seslak - Even if you created a new account, these problems would still occur. This problem is occuring site-wide, on every website, old and new.


    @NetFreak - There is a chance... if the hacker had a very large hard drive with around 10,000GB on...


    @everyone - Yup, we're just waiting for djbob to fix the remainder of the damage caused by the hacker.

  2. Your welcome. :)


    We're not actually sure how Johnny was hacked. However, we have put up extra security on both Johnny or Stevie so the problem shouldn't happen again.


    I have just found something strange in cPanel that could have easily created a big security hole, which the hackers could have used to get into Johnny. I have brought it up with the staff.

  3. We have now added extra security on both servers - this shouldn't happen again.


    We don't think any viruses were unleashes in the hack (as I have scanned my computer thru AVG twice now). We have also removed a link posted by PokeNerd which McAfee reported as a Browser Exploit and Phishing/Scam.


    @djbob - Our websites are working now, but cPanel is now showing the hacker's page.

  4. There are approximately 20,000 accounts on Stevie.

    There are approximately 2,000 accounts on Johnny.


    Stevie runs normal services.

    Johnny runs dangerous services.


    Yesterday I saw the server load for Johnny higher than Stevie.

    It would be hard to judge the exact speed, as it varies throughout the day.

  5. FTP in via our Area51, Byron. Then you'll see...


    # -FrontPage-


    IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*


    <Limit GET POST>

    order deny,allow

    deny from all

    allow from all


    <Limit PUT DELETE>

    order deny,allow

    deny from all


    AuthName area51.heliohost.org

    AuthUserFile /home/area51/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd

    AuthGroupFile /home/area51/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp


    Lots of other files there too - looks like FrontPage 2003 work to me.


    Looks like..... a form?


    :o 15 files in vti_pvt!

  6. Yeah - we haven't been hacked for months.


    Sorry for the inconvenience!


    The filesystem mounted at [bleeped!] on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.

    Probably the hackers fault, as Johnny is brand new and fairly empty.
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