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Posts posted by jje

  1. Many of the folders in the root you just need to ignore, as your cPanel uses them to provide many of the features (such as Email, Ruby, Password-Protection, etc.). The only folder that you may use is the public_html folder. The contents of this folder is visible to the world wide web, and can be accessed directly from your website. ;)


    Inside your public_html, the vti_ and _private folders (etc) are related to FrontPage Extensions, which HelioHost offers to it's customers. If you are not planning on using FrontPage Extensions, then you can disable them within your cPanel, which will also delete these folders. ;)


    The cgi-bin folder inside your public_html is essential for creating scripts in many languages. Best don't delete this. ;)

  2. I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist...


    root@stevie [~]# su jhgca
    su: user jhgca does not exist


    This support request is being escalated to our root admin.


    @ReN07 - Could you give the the username you want me to delete?

  3. Try signing up now - the root fixed this problem a few hours ago. ;)


    how can I able to retrieve my jhgca account?
    You mean retrieve any data from your old account? Sorry, your account was terminated permanently, and wiped.
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