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Everything posted by jje

  1. After that, use: mysql_select_db("gypktube_chatData") or die ("no database");
  2. Still a good script though. I'll add it when I have time.
  3. jje


    We do not allow non-standard ports. Example of standard ports is port 80.
  4. Tried suspending then unsuspending, but to no avail. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Read the wiki:http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Moving_your_account
  6. Thank you for your feedback!
  7. Glad your problem got solved Please spare 2 minutes to take our survey: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8947
  8. @xnet - The reason you are getting the error is because there is already a site in the database (akiza97) which is using your email address. The domain name is http://sagu[...].tk Is this your account? If not, then could you try signing up with a different email address?
  9. The proxy site I posted the link to connects to your website via their server and gives you the output their server receives and not your browser. I am seeing the same as the proxy site, and I'm not even using a proxy. It's a problem at your end. Try clearing your cache again and flushing your DNS.
  10. @Geoff - Hey, that might be a neat script to add to the HelioHost.org script section
  11. More info: http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Moving_your_account
  12. I don't see a suspended page? Your account is queued for deletion. Please wait an additional 24 hours
  13. That is the point of that setting: so no images appear. The first code you posted should have worked perfectly. Could you post a screenshot on what is happening?
  14. Yes, wait 48 hours. If you are still seeing the queued page after that length of time then try clearing your Internet cache.
  15. Look at this website for uptime stats: http://grd.net.pl/heliohost/monitor Also, what are you doing at the time when the 500 errors pop up? Do you use any services like email (POP3 and IMAP) or use cron jobs? Could you provide us of a specific time of what time these errors are occurring?
  16. Should be fixed now - clear your cache
  17. Ruby on Rails is 'enabled' on Stevie, but isn't working and only works on Johnny. You can remove FrontPage Extensions (which is most of those folders you found) by using the link on the cPanel homepage and 'uninstalling' them. After that, you can delete any folder you like but don't delete cgi-bin.
  18. Instead of creating one forum and a bunch of sub forums, create a category and a bunch of forums.
  19. All services should now be functioning normally Please create a separate topic if you are experiencing this issue Closing..
  20. Glad your problem got solved Please spare 2 minutes to take our survey: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8947
  21. The posts which were above are now in a new topic: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=9382 Snce the domain script has replaced this topic, I am closing this to avoid confusion.
  22. I have separated the topic and locked the domain changes topic for future use.
  23. Read the wiki: http://wiki.helionet.org/wiki/Moving_your_account
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