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Everything posted by jje

  1. Since of the recent ban of .CO.CC domains in Google, lots of people might want to rethink their poll votes
  2. Yeah, on my Internet Explorer installation I had like 7 toolbars installed and it took 37 seconds for the browser just to start up. I got rid of most of them and it took around 10 seconds; better but not as good as the amazing Chrome which just takes a few seconds to start up
  3. Mac OS X is based upon the UNIX system, meaning that it is very secure and does not get PC viruses. Because that Mac is based upon UNIX, you can use the usual Linux/UNIX command line with Mac.
  4. Nope, just a joke/prediction. I'm running Lion right now, and I'm pretty impressed with it so far!!
  5. Sorry, but we don't have the space to keep backups of user's sites, meaning that all terminated accounts have to be permanently deleted and destroyed. You can imagine the chaos we would have if we were backing up 1800 accounts, and this would seriously downgrade the performance. We also need to make room for newer, active accounts. You can go ahead and create a new account whenever you like.
  6. Yes, I am the same. I don't charge people for my websites, although a may add a little 'donate' button if I am using paid hosting.
  7. I have about 50 websites I made for fun, yet I haven't updated most of them in years!!
  8. I mentioned a similar logout script in my first post at the bottom. However, blackstar's second logout script would NOT work, since you cannot use HEADER after stating an ECHO. PHP would output an error saying that 'output was already defined' or something like that. To fix this, just have the HEADER and get rid of the ECHO statement.
  9. @milktogo - I can see your site fine, problem must have fixed itself in the last two hours.
  10. You can try using 1.5, but from those errors there is a very good chance it would not work out. The reason is that the old 1.5 version required a version of PHP older than the current (<5.30), which is causing the Deprecated notices to appear saying that functions are not available. In the release of 5.30, many functions were deprecated because newer, better functions were available. When a function gets deprecated, it cannot be used. 1.6 might work, I'm not sure. If its compatible with version 5.30 then it will probably work. If not, then sorry but you might have to use version 1.7 There's nothing I can do about this, and we cannot 'downgrade' PHP just for one individual user. Thanks,
  11. When I went to your site I got an installation page with these errors; probably a temporary error: The reason these errors are appearing is because you are using an OLD version of Joomla (1.5) when the latest version is (1.7). If you are not using the newest version of Joomla your site may fail.
  12. This support request has been escalated; wait for djbob please.
  13. Yes, that should work and seems like a stable solution
  14. Looks like the problem's not Stevie any more...
  15. jje

    Johnny signups backlogged

    Your welcome! and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  16. Great job on the website, black star! I know you've been having a few problems in the past, but I'm just glad it's finally up!!
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  18. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare a few minutes to take our brief survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. (closing)
  19. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  20. Yes, I have been noticing instability with Cody, although I am struggling to find a reason why...
  21. Glad your problem got solved! Please spare 2 minutes to fill in our quick survey: http://feedback.heliohost.org/ Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
  22. Did you do a Full Backup or a Partial Backup? You could restore it if it is a Partial Backup, but if it is Full Backup an admin would need to restore it. Your account has been permanently deleted and there is nothing we can do about it. Sometimes glitches in the system can cause bad things happen, and we apologise for this. However, it clearly states in the TOS that we are not liable for any damage. That user with the same IP as you was NOT the reason that your account got deleted as far as I know. And since your IP keeps changing (dynamic IP) this cannot be the reason. It was simply a glitch in the system, there is nothing else we can do.
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