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Posts posted by jje

  1. We apologise for the delay in this, but PostgreSQL is back online. :)


    @admins - djbob has emailed me with an SSH command to fix this. His command didn't work, but a similar one did. Here you go incase this happens again:

    [root@stevie]~ /scripts/restartsrv_postgres
    [root@stevie]~ /scripts/restartsrv_postgresql

    It doesn't have any output, and finished rather quick.

  2. Hi there! It appears that djbob has not been active for over a week now, meaning that escalated requests have been delayed. At this moment in time we believe that there are some problems with the PostgreSQL server and some problems with Email on Johnny, and we apologise for these technical difficulties. Unfortunately, the support admins are unable to solve these two important problems, not forgetting many escalated requests that have been posted.


    As a result, Escalated Requests will be delayed until djbob get's back. :) We will do our best to offer support in the meantime, and solve any problems we can.


    Thank you for your cooperation.

  3. Recent and current downtime on the central HelioPanel

    At the moment we are developing the next release of the HelioPanel software: 0.5 BETA. However, some unexpected downtime as occurred in the process. We apologise for this and we will soon get HelioPanel back on track. In the meantime, features of HelioPanel will be limited and some downtime may occur. In this release one of the features is that it the software is being converted to Symfony2, meaning that most areas of the software are being remade and converted which is causing this downtime.


    To prevent downtime like this occurring in the future, we are going to reflect central on the latest release instead of the nightly version from GitHub.

    Link to issue on GitHub: https://github.com/HelioNetworks/HelioPanel/issues/54

  4. Woo hoo! I have finally worked it out! I enabled display_errors in my PHP configuration that showed me the error. Then I did some research on the error, and it appears that the uploadfile.php and uploads/ had the wrong directory - it only worked with permissions of 0777.


    Thanks for your help, xaav! :D


    Closing after nearly a month of attempts :lol:

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