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Posts posted by jje

  1. Your currently using 5 PHP processes (which is under the limit of 7). Are you sure this isn't due to a coding error? Is there actually a time where you can see your script? Maybe your htaccess is causing problems?


    You might also want to look at the server monitor



    If the coding is correct and you have seen it working before (ie. this is intermittent) I will escalate this...

  2. Hello bluepart. I have checked your account for active processes and this is what it came up with. Remember the process limit is 7.


    ***** bluepart  15   0 88456  12m 1828 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.01 cpsrvd-ssl
    ***** bluepart  15   0  200m  14m 8672 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.07 php
    ***** bluepart  17   0  198m  13m 8240 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.07 php
    ***** bluepart  16   0  198m  13m 8240 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.07 php
    ***** bluepart  17   0  198m  13m 8240 S  0.0  0.2   0:00.06 php


    If you like I can kill all the processes so you can create fresh, new processes where needed. As you can see, there aren't 7 processes so everything should be fine.


    Some areas have been censored with *****s to hide private data.


    500 Internal Server Errors can also be caused for other reaons; see the wiki.

  3. Hi,


    I am not experienced in Android web apps because I do not own an Android phone. If you own one, mind if you test it and let me know if it works okay? It will be really hard for me to program since I can't actually test it on Android..


    I will investigate Android Web Apps since I'm only experienced in iOS.


    In 0.2 BETA, xaav has suggested that I look into jQuery Mobile which supports most/all mobile platforms (including Android and iOS).




  4. I have just pushed version 0.1.1 BETA to the mobile website. This release fixes a couple of bugs that cl58 and byron discovered (thanks!).


    The link to HelioPanel has been fixed (#2) and the cPanel Update IFRAME has been fixed (#5).


    Hello everyone! In the last week I have been constructing a new service that HelioHost has to offer called HelioMobile! HelioMobile is a mobile-optimized version of HelioNetworks' services, and can also be used as a native Web App in some circumstances. And today, I have decided to release version 0.1 BETA.


    HelioMobile is an open source PHP website that provides mobile users an optimized version of the services HelioNetworks offer, including an instant update on the server status, twitter feed, and cPanel logins. As well as that, there are links to the many different areas of HelioHost as well as commonly used scripts built right into the system. HelioMobile can be browsed in any normal mobile web browser or it can be installed as a Web App on any iOS device. HelioMobile has been tested on iPhone and iPod Touch, but many other mobile operating systems should be able to display it. To access HelioMobile, go to www.helionet.org/m from your mobile device.


    To find out more about HelioMobile, visit the official project website at:



    To report bugs, suggest features, browse the source code, and make HelioMobile better:


  6. Hello :) It has come to our attention that cPanel is not currently recording login attempts, meaning any login attempts you perform will not be logged and therefore your Login Date will not change (which could result in suspension/deletion if you have not logged in for over thirty days). We are working to fix this as soon as possible, but in the meantime, HelioPanel's system should be fine if your account is on the edge of suspension or deletion (ie. not logged in for over 25 days).


    Thank you for your cooperation :)

  7. Since ns1 and ns2 are both on different servers, sometimes the domain records become out of sync and the website fails to work. If you cannot access your domain and you have setup your nameservers correctly, then please use the HelioHost DNS Checker created by Piotr GRD:




    On the page, enter your domain or subdomain in the box, and the utility will check whether your domain's record exist on both nameservers (ie. both have 5 records). If the number of records on one nameserver is different from the other, then please post in this topic so the support administrators can fix it.


    Please note that if your account is new it might just be a matter of waiting to get your site online. Only post if you have been signed up for over 5 days.



    @admins: This is the synch command:

    /scripts/dnscluster syncall --full

  8. I am not getting any difference between chrome and firefox except the design.


    Mozilla uses MOZ while Chrome/Safari uses WEBKIT. Internet Explorer just uses the default styles I think.


    Recently I have made a website that looks great and works perfectly in Google Chrome. However, I made the mistake of not testing it in Internet Explorer, and when I did it looked like everything had exploded! xD I had to recode almost the entire website which was annoying.

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