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Posts posted by jje

  1. Here is the reason why the Queued page is seen when the server goes down:


    Most servers have a 'default webpage' which is displayed when the domain is pointing to the server, but the server has no record of that domain and therefore cannot find the appropriate web page to load. djbob changed this default webpage to his own Account Queued page, so this would appear if the user setup a domain and pointed it to HelioHost but it had not been activated and configured yet. However, in the event that the servers goes down, the server cannot find any record of the domain in it's register (since all accounts are down) and therefore redirects to 'default webpage', which is the Queued page.

  2. PHP 5.2.4 or greater

    MySQL 5.0 or greater

    The mod_rewrite Apache module

    These services are available to all users of HelioHost; both Stevie and Johnny support these. :)


    I also wanted to know whether to pick jhonny or stevie. knowing that I have already registered jhonny account . can I have jhonny and stevie both at time?
    Johnny runs dangerous services like ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Java/JSP which WordPress does not need, therefore Stevie is the best choice. :)


    I'm interested in running the open-source WordPress <http://wordpress.org/> blogging software
    When your account has been created, we provide an auto-install function that allows you to install software like Wordpress in just a few clicks (no download necessary!). To do this, login to cPanel when your account has been created, and choose Softaculous. On the left hand side, under 'Blogs', click 'WordPress'. Then click the install button, and fill out a bit of info. :)
  3. Hi :) According to our records, the user maurizio_admin exists, but has not been added to a database. To add the user, go into MySQL Databases from your cPanel and scroll down to 'Add Users to Database'. Then, select your user from the drop down and select your database from the drop down, and then click Add. Permission settings will appear: make sure that 'All Privledges' are ticked and click submit

  4. We apologise for the issues Stevie has been having in the last few days, and will attempt to find the cause of the issue.


    In the meantime, I will attempt to run the script that should fix things. However, according to the data Stevie is giving me, he's not ready yet.


    This has been resolved. If you still see the queued page please clear your cache. :)

  5. HelioPanel 0.6 BETA


    Hello again! Today we are finally releasing the next major release of the HelioPanel software. There are many improvements and bug fixes that have been made by xaav, cl58 and I. One of those improvements is that HelioPanel has been completely moved over to Cody; Woohoo!



    #48 - Move HelioPanel over to Cody

    #59 - Remove jquery folder in favour of the jquery-optimized file

    #60 - Users should not be able to see accounts they do not own

    #62 - Automatically login after account creation

    #69 - Reinstall invalid or old hook files (randomly numbered PHP files)

    #71 - Automatically submit after changing the user account dropdown

    #53 - Display PHP Info for a specific server

    #67 - Change the submit button text for account switching



    #81 - Fix SQLBuddy automatic login

    #72 - CKEditor doesn't work

    #77 - Upload file button doesn't work

    #74 - Update the version in the footer

    #78 - Fix the line at the bottom of the page


    Due to the transition to Cody, the web address to Central HelioPanel and The HelioPanel Project have changed. Please update your bookmarks to:


    The Central HelioPanel: panel.helionet.org

    The HelioPanel Project: heliohost.org/heliopanel

  6. Hi. You currently have 6 processes, and the limit is 7. My guess is that the script is trying to open another process but it can't due to this limit.


    Here is a list of what processes are currently running on your account:

    - rss.py

    - rss.py

    - crond

    - sh

    - python


    = 6 processes

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