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Everything posted by sagnik

  1. Loading failed for the <script> with source “http://tatoeba.ga/iwbx-assets/js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js”. iwbx-assets:2 Loading failed for the <script> with source “http://tatoeba.ga/iwbx-assets/js/bootstrap.min.js”. iwbx-assets:2Bootstrap requires jquery and bootstrap.js is loaded to work.But the problem with your website is every request to any URL of your website is being forwarded/rewritten to "/index.*". Rewrite your URLs correctly in your .htaccess file.
  2. What does it means? What type of device? If you meant the WebCam, then I don't have an Webcam on my PC so I'm using my Android phone as Webcam with DroidCamX to test the QRCode scanner. And I've not got the error before.
  3. LSI means Latent Semantic Indexing. It's introduced in 2013 by Google (not sure about the year). Coming to your question, LSI Keywords is a SEO element, which is increasing constantly. LSI Keywords might be a set of some meaningful keywords or a sentence, the both must be based on a main keyword. For example, I've a keyboard/website named "Whatsnew" which is my main keyword, and my LSI Keywords can be "what's new on the internet"/"what's new online shopping", etc. And then include the keywords in keywords meta tag. LSI Keywords helps Google to better understand your website when submitting your website to Google for crawling.
  4. Yeah! I got it. The error is shown in Google Chrome. But I don't understand why the script is not accessible in chrome when Firefox is getting the script properly. Here is my .htaccess of "cdn.sgnetworks.cf": <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ver-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(.*)$ $1 [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [QSA,L] RewriteBase / RewriteOptions InheritDown </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" Header set Access-Control-Max-Age "86400" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with </IfModule>Okay, I fixed that now. Actually Chrome doesn't allows Cross-Origin Service Workers and I fixed it but still it's not working. You can check it here: https://m.whatsnew.cf/test.php
  5. Well I couldn't see such an error. Only I'm seeing is an Warning: navigator.mozGetUserMedia has been replaced by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMediaAnd I'm using Mozilla Firefox.
  6. sagnik

    Absolute Paths

    In "/", "/orders","/profile","/accounts", etc.
  7. sagnik

    Absolute Paths

    Actually, I've a file called "header.php" in "E:/home/wn/public_html/mobile/global" directory which I has to include in every pages/scripts. So when I upload my website, I has to change the path to "/home/sgn/public_html/wn/mobile/global/header.php". That's what I don't like.
  8. What happens everytime I upload my website to Tommy server is I've to change the included scripts path in PHP which I've to find.
  9. I've not seen the error before. Anyway it looks like the script is not accessible outside the domain. I hope I've got it right!
  10. Oh, now I understand.
  11. Okay. But I want to know why you want to install IIS when HTTPD is better than IIS.
  12. But you can install Apache HTTPD instead of IIS as it is to install as well as it supports PHP very well. And also it's easy to use (restart, start, stop) using Apache Service Monitor.
  13. Can I get an account on Lily? If yes, how much disk space I will get on Lily? If I get an account on Lily, it will be good for me as I've to change the paths from Windows path to Linux of included php scripts every time I upload the scripts to my live server. I'm developing my website in Windows with HTTPD 2.4, PHP 7.2. So I hope don't need to change lot of codes in my scripts.
  14. Here is the link to my implementation: https://m.whatsnew.cf/test.php
  15. I can provide you the script which is in a zip archive. Will it be good for you?
  16. https://whatsnew.cf/mpanel The link will require you to login. But you have root access so here is the path to the file: "/home/sgn/public_html/wn/mpanel/accounts/login.php"
  17. I need to create a QRCode reader, which immediately gives the data of qrcode as it has read successfully and produces a beep sound. I've tried to find that type of library but I couldn't find almost anything. But yes, I've found one named "WebCodeCamJquery" but I couldn't implement it properly so it doesn't works. Here is the link to "WebCodeCam": https://atandrastoth.co.uk/main/pages/plugins/webcodecamjs/. It works perfectly on the website but not in mine.
  18. Thanks for the information.
  19. Sir, I've made a donation using "GoFundMe". Can you please tell me that, will I receive extra space or not?
  20. Can I still make a donation for the FundRaiser? And if I donate now, am I going to receive extra storage?
  21. Because, if I drop a column of a MySQL table on remote(live) server and if the column is being used by any php scripts that script/page will not work. That's why I'm still using two servers.
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