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Everything posted by sagnik

  1. I think no. It's probably the cause of incorrect .htaccess settings. You can check if I'm right by removing .htaccess. I think the error is caused by an incorrect URL Rewriting or you have turned off DirectoryIndex.
  2. I've two domains, for example, accounts.com & domain2.com. I've set some sessions in domain2.com. And I need to remove those sessions from accounts.com using ajax. How can I achieve this? THE PROBLEM: <?php session_start(); require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."/config/config.php"; header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: accounts.com"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, *"); if(!empty($_POST['sgnsid'])){ /* print_r($_COOKIE); print_r($_SESSION); */ session_unset($_SESSION['sgn-login_sessid']); session_unset($_SESSION['sgn-login_uid']); session_unset($_SESSION['sgn-login_uid_md5']); session_unset($_SESSION['sgn-login_expires']); session_unset(); session_destroy(); session_write_close(); echo "done"; } else { echo "Empty SGNSID"; } ?>Now, when a user clicks on the "Logout" button, an ajax call is made to the "signoff.php" on "domain2.com": $.ajax({ url: "https://domain2.com/signoff.php", type: "POST", crossDomain:true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: function(d){ console.log(post); if(post=="done") done=true; } }); But when I look into the Console the script is returning (if the print_r($_SESSION) & print_r($_COOKIE) ar not commented):Array ( ) Array ( ) done Otherwise: done And also the session variables were not removed. And what I'm building is a SingleSignOn system. And what I'm trying to do is, when a user logs in in accounts.com, some cookies & sessions are set two all the domains. Same way, when a user clicks on "Logout" button all the cookies & sessions must be removed from all the domains using ajax.
  3. Hi, I'm developing a jQuery chart plugin which will allow to create any type of charts but currently donut charts are allowed. It has 2 options, one of those is "maxProgress" and another is "completed". These options can be modified using "max-progress" & "completed" attributes of a "div" element. And in the CSS part has a fixed property of "600" for "stroke-dasharray". And when a donut chart has been created "style=stroke-dashoffset" is added to the "circle" tag inside an svg element using jquery. So what I need to do is, somehow calculate the "stroke-dashoffset" value which cannot be greater than "600". For example, if an user creates the following element: <div class="sgn-charts" max-progress="100" completed="50"></div>Then the circle of the chart should be half-filled. It should work like a clock.Another example is, <div class="sgn-charts" max-progress="100" completed="70"></div>In this case, the circle should look as it looks in an analogue clock when the time is "12:40".Can anyone help me to do this? Thanks in advance.
  4. I think the problem is occurring from CloudFlare. Turn off CloudFlare and then see if it works, if it does, then check your CloudFlare configuration. I'm not sure but I can see that the domain is not pointing to Heliohost Nameservers. It may be a cause for the problem.
  5. Sir, I'm a student of BCA and I develop websites for others. But many of them demands free hosting as the high cost of web hosting. So to host a website I need a hosting provider. So I request you kindly allow me to host their websites on Heliohost's Tommy Server. I'll donate some amount of money from the payment they'll provide me.
  6. Okay, got it. Can you help me with another question in here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/32881-cross-domain-cookieslocalstorage-in-jquery/?do=findComment&comment=147955
  7. How can I park a domain on an addon domain?
  8. I'm developing a Third Party Login System (Oauth) like facebook developers and I need to set cookies multiple domains (depends on how many domains user specifies). So I need to set cookies to all the domains a user specifies using jquery, I've tried everything but none has worked. All I found is "create an iframe","use ajax to set a cookie across multiple domains" but they will not work in my case because, it will need the user to create a html for the iframe or a php file for ajax request that I don't want to do. What I want to do is let the user include the Jquery SDK and allow the user to make requests and to make requests SDK will set cookies so I need to use a cookie for all the specified domains. Here is the flow of how it works: It've two initialization methods "NM.init()" & "NM.login.init()" First of all, user calls NM.init() to set his/her App ID & App Secret. (Here the SDK uses cookies to set the App ID and Secret for every domain configured in the app) Then, user calls NM.login.init() to set the fields he/she wants to retrieve. (Here the SDK uses cookies to set the Fields for every domain configured in the app) After that, user calls NM.login.request() to retrieve the fields he/he set in NM.login.init(). (He can call NM.login.request() either from the same page/domain where he/she called NM.init() and NM.login.init() or from any other page/domain). In case if user calls NM.login.request from another domain, it needed to get the cookies set on other domain.
  9. Is there any way to re-lock bootloader with a custom rom? How can I run Google's Tez on a Custom Rom (I'm using crDroid)? I don't know if "Google's Tez" is available outside of India or not. I've used MagiskSU to hide Tez from SU but it failed to hide Tez. That's why I'm asking this question.
  10. Okay, I will try some scripts from the website you specified if no-one has fullfilled my expectations then I will let you know.
  11. Yeah, it's good but it requires "WKHTMLtoPDF" installed to execute the commands from PHP. If I want to use PHPWKHTMLtoPDF, I must have to install WKHTMLtoPDF on the system. In my local server it's possible but in HelioHost, it's not possible as Root Admins definitely will not allow me to install the framework on the system. That's why I want to create my own PDF Writer in PHP without any dependencies.
  12. Do you get any of the message as defined here: If yes, then modify it to: and see what mysql says.
  13. I'm not asking create pdf using scripts like FPDF, jsPDF, TCPDF, etc. I've used them but it had not worked like expected. So I've thought why not create my own PDF Creator but I don't have any idea that how I will create a pdf writer using php. What I want to do is convert the whole page to pdf including styles & markup without any type of compromising the markup & style. You can look out the page I want convert to pdf here: https://whatsnew.cf/admin/accounting/invoice.php?do=view&oid=15188130456&refid=49
  14. I'm not sure but I've already encountered with this problem before in Tommy server but somehow the problem has been disappeared I don't know why! As far as I know, the "max_connections" variable (Maximum Number of connections said by PHP) and "max_user_connections" variable both are different things. "max_connections" it is being used by total number of users in Johnny server and "max_user_connections" is used by only by a single user. I can't help in the case but Heliohost Admins will definitely do.
  15. Maybe the database you are trying to access it has been created by another user/with a different password or you don't have permission to access the database. Check the details in cPanel > MySQL Databases.
  16. CCTLD means Country Code Top Level Domain. .in, .us, .uk, they all are ccTLD.
  17. I've my own local server setup which is running Apache HTTPD 2.4 with PHP 7.1, MySQL 5.6, Python 3.6, Django 2.0.3 (configured with mod_wsgi) and with configured modules mod_ssl, mod_wsgi running on Windows 10. And another one running IIS with ASP & PHP on Windows Server 2016.
  18. why you want to use an online console instead. PHP doesn't need this functionality but django does. it have tons of configurations which requires console and without which It becomes very difficult to use django mainly for using djanog ORM for database. It's not so difficult to use a standalone code editor and a console for example, Command Prompt. You can write codes using Notepad++ and compile them using CMD and then upload it to your website. And do you know Heliohost offers WebDAV which you can use like Windows Explorer.
  19. Okay, I understand. But EV Certificates gives a Green Bar which looks so fancy, that's the only reason I wanted to implement it even if it would be localhost. Thanks for explaining, sir.
  20. @patent You are sying that, why you want to use an online console instead you just write your code in your desktop then compile it and upload it to your live server (patents.heliohost.org). I think this will be more reliable way for Django. I've my website completely written in HTML,CSS,Jquery & PHP, I've never used the File Manager of cPanel to write a whole PHP script. I use Notepad++ to write codes then I test it on my local server then upload it to live server because this provides me more features & usability than any online editors can. And you should do the same. And your second point is The uptime of Tommy server is the highest uptime than the other servers like Johnny/Stevie. And you are saying that, "it takes too long to load or dead", I've tested your website http://patents.heliohost.org/, and your page takes 0.268 seconds (268ms) to load, do you expect faster than this?. I've my own website on Tommy, I've not noticed any problems like you. So what whether Apache is configured as mod_wsgi or VHosts. It works as it should be. If you are not happy with Heliohost then why don't you setup your own server because VPS also have some restrictions like RAM, Disk Space, Processor Cores, etc? In that way you can use anything you want. And see how much money it takes to run a server. And you are getting almost everything on Heliohost for free.
  21. Can I use one of the OIDs listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Validation_Certificate#Extended_Validation_certificate_identification to issue a root EV CA? As those OIDs are from a well-known CAs and almost every CAs listed there are trusted by every browsers. For example, can I use OID "2.16.840.1.113733." (Symantec/VeriSign EV CA) for my root EV CA to issue EV Certificates?
  22. Yes, the PC is a member of a domain. I the CA is an Enterprise Root CA and I've added a custom policy OID to the Extended Validation tab of the Root CA in Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. And it has worked as expected in IE but not on others (Chrome & Firefox) I've imported the Modified Root CA (which has the OID in the EV tab) in these browser's certificate store and it has worked like a normal CA signed SSL does to enable HTTPS but not showing the fetures of an EV CA like show the Website's Organiztion name in the Address Bar of the browser. And I want to know that how can I enable the features of an EV CA in Chrome & Firefox, either with custom Policy OID or the OIDs listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Validation_Certificate#Extended_Validation_certificate_identification.
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