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Everything posted by sagnik

  1. Then why it's working on Internet Explorer?
  2. Yeah, I'm sure that my users will trust my CA. But I want to know that why the CA doesn't show the Green Bar in users when the Green Bar is shown in Internet Explorer.
  3. Hello, I've created a Extended Validation (EV) Certification Authority (CA) using Active Directory Certificate Authority (AD CS) in Windows Server 2016 Data Center Edition and I've followed the instructions provided here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/networking/core-network-guide/cncg/server-certs/server-certificate-deployment to install and configure AD CS and this instructions https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2008-R2-and-2008/dd759060(v=ws.11) to configure an EV CA Template and issued an Intermediate Certificate using that template for "server.sgnetworks.net"/"localhost". The EV SSL is working fine in Internet Explorer but not on other browsers. I want to know that: 1.) Why the EV CA is working in IE but not on others? 2.) I know that Chrome, Firefox and other browsers have its own Root Certificate Policies, so can I somehow manage browsers to use my custom EV CA Policy OID? Or can I use one of the OIDs mentioned here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Validation_Certificate#Extended_Validation_certificate_identification to issue my own EV CA? 3.) If I somehow manage to issue an EV CA, can I give the Root EV CA to my users to install the Root CA in their browsers to enable EV CA in their browsers?
  4. Thanks for a quick reply and thanks for your help. You can now mark this as "Answered".
  5. My webpage "https://whatsnew.cf/cpanel" gets automatically redirected to cPanel Loader then to HelioHost Login Page. Can you explain me why it's happening? https://i.imgur.com/xrE8esM.png and I'm sorry I couldn't attach a screenshot as I'am unable to switch to full version of helionet because there are no oiption to switch to full version as well as I think the "IMG" bbcode is not working here but I'm giving the link to the image
  6. The plugin supports every devices. You can check it here: https://atandrastoth.co.uk/main/pages/plugins/webcodecamjs/ And here is the link to my implementation: https://m.whatsnew.cf/test.php
  7. @Luigi123, No I mean the code of your class and from where you are calling the fuction.
  8. Yeah, it's not working on mobile devices. That's why I'm asking for help.
  9. Post the code of the class as well as the script that's calling the class function. Otherwise I don't able to help you.
  10. I don't want to implement this on my website. Because I've not developed an app for my website yet.
  11. Yeah, I think so. Then how can I implement a QRCode Scanner? Is there any way to create a custom QRCode Scanner which will work like "WebCodeCam" and must work with mobile devices?
  12. Take this example: <?php $host="localhost"; $user="user_example"; $pwd="password"; $db="user_database"; $con=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pwd,$db) or die("Couldn't connect to the database: ".mysqli_error($con)); if($q=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT field1, field2 FROM example_table")){ if(db_num_rows($q) > 0){ while($r=mysqli_fetch_array($q)){ echo "Field1 Value: {$r['field1']}"; echo "<br>"; echo "Field2 Value: {$r['field1']}"; } } else { echo "No rows found: The table seems to be empty."; } } else { echo "Unable to query database: ".mysqli_error($con); } ?>
  13. No problem, you can as many as you have, I would love to help you. Well, can you post your code here?
  14. Thanks sir. I'll try it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know.
  15. If you do the above a connection to MySQL database will be opened. You don't need to do anything else.
  16. Sir, today I've checked again, but I have not got the error you are saying.
  17. How you did it? The hosting provider advised to set the Nameservers of my domain to their Nameservers.
  18. You can open a connection to MySQL by doing: $db=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pwd,$db);Then use the variable to your script. I need to see the code to say anything.
  19. The first error is occurring because it may be depended on the MySQL connection variable. If you could open the connection to mysql successfully, it should disappear. Otherwise, if it's not depended on mysql variable then, probably you are calling a function of a class without initializing the class.
  20. cPanel allows users to create subdomains, I want to create a subdomain "cdn.whatsnew.cf" and point it to another hosting provider as HelioHost is limited to disk space I need a website which allows much disk space, which will store my members images/contents in another host. And I need to point the subdomain using "NS" record only. Is there any way to do it?
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