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Everything posted by sagnik

  1. Okay, I got it, But the problem is, I need two domains if I can't setup eu.org domains then where I can get a new domain, and I don't want to spend money (as the websites will be under testing). I can't even register domains on Freenom because my account is flagged when I forgot to renew a domain and now the domain is declared as "FRAUD". I can use any type of domains whether it's a TLD/ccTLD/gTLD/2nd-level/3rd-level.
  2. Nothing much to explain. Here is the logs showing when setting DNS records in nic.eu.org:
  3. Hello, everyone! I'm going to start a new project which will be a programming language. The structure of the language will be like PHP & Java. It will be built using any one or more than one of the following languages. It will be an open-source application and run either via Console or Apache Module (later via IDE or Runner Application like Java). Anyone who wants to work with me and has knowledge in the following languages can contact me or comment below to discuss how to start and progress. The application will be built using C/C++ (and obviously the Apache Module). We'll start from a simple language by writing a simple Lexer, Tokenizer & Parser for the interpreter then we'll continue to improve the language constantly. If anyone wants to join me can give a reply to this post or send an email at sagnikganguly2012[at]rediffmail[dot]com along with his/her GitHub Username after that he/she can start contributing to the following repository: https://github.com/SGNetworksIndia/SGSP.
  4. Hello Admins, I request you to change the document root of my main domain as I've too many addon-domains it will be better to keep them organized. So kindly give a response telling that if it's possible or not. Because I don't know how the websites are hosted in heliohost but if the websites are configured as VirtualHosts then it might be possible. I know that there are some rules for every request, I don't know if my request complies with the rules of heliohost as I've not seen such a rule there, it's also possible that I might be the first one here who's requesting to change the document root of the main domain.
  5. Hello, I'm going to build a new programming language & interpreter. But for now I've compiled an open-source project named "Pinecone" which is not available for Windows. And built it for Windows and now I want it to be compatible with Apache HTTPD like PHP. So how can I develop a module like PHP for the "Pinecone" interpreter?
  6. I understood what you've said. But the task I've been assigned by an IT company for whom I have given an interview for "Full-stack Web Developer" at first round of the telephonic interview. Now the HR Manager wants me to develop the app for my 2nd round of interview. They have allowed me to use any third-party libraries. But I'm not comfortable with any third-party libraries, that's why I've asked for without any framework or libraries.
  7. Hi, I wat to build a scalable web app for login/register API in PHP without using any third-party frameworks or libraries as well as the API URLs for the app will be as follows: Signup URL: /user/signup Signin URL: /user/signin Profile URL: /user/profile Update profile URL: /user/profile/update After login/register the app should generate and return the access token which is required to access profile. How can I do it?
  8. I have the following class: SGNBEResponseCode class: <?php namespace SGNBackend\SGNBEResponseCodes; class SGNBEResponseCode { public function __construct(){ print_r(__CLASS__); return __CLASS__; } } ?> <?php namespace SGNBackend\SGNBEResponseCodes; class Common extends SGNBEResponseCode { public const UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1; public const INVALID_REQUEST = 0; public const REQ_FAILED = 100; public const DB_QUERY_ERROR = 101; public const DB_COUNT_ERROR = 102; public const DB_FETCH_ERROR = 103; public const EMPTY_PARAM_VALUE = 104; public const INVALID_PARAM_VALUE = 105; public const REQ_DONE = 106; public function __construct(){ print_r(__CLASS__); return __CLASS__; } } ?> Here SGNBEResponse class: <?php namespace SGNBackend; class SGNBEResponse{ const response = array("error"=>true, "code"=>-1, "name"=>"UNKNOWN_ERROR", "message"=>"An unknown error has occurred"); public static function generateErrorFromCode(SGNBEResponseCode $code, string $args = null){ $c = debug_backtrace(); print_r($c); //return "test"; } } ?> And I'm trying to access the constants like this: <?php $sgnbe = new \SGNBackend\SGNBEResponse(); print_r(\SGNBackend\SGNBEResponse::generateErrorFromCode(\SGNBackend\SGNBEResponseCodes\Common::INVALID_REQUEST)); ?> And when I access the constants an instance of the class along with the name of the constant and value should be returned instead of the value of the constants. Can I do it? If yes then how?
  9. Yes obviously, You can never add a domain without pointing it to the nameservers of HelioHost even you'll never be able to see this type of errors in cpanel. I think it's a cache related issue.
  10. Okay, I'll change the name but to change the name I've to change lot of things. For now I just need to check if everything is working fine.
  11. Why the following error has occurred in PHP 7.1? As far as I know, the 'Object' is used as a reserved keyword from PHP 7.2. I'm using PHP 7.1.1 in my local server and it works fine without any errors then why not in Heliohost? And I've switched from PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.1 using MultiPHP Manager in cPanel. Fatal error: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved in /home/sgn/public_html/careers4you/config/classes/Careers4You/Helpers/Object.php on line 31
  12. (XID tnm2xg) A DNS entry for “whatsnew.ml” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from this server or all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. I've checked DNS Zones but there is no entry related to the above domain.
  13. Now it's working. I think there was a problem in the backend. Anyway thanks for your help, @vanisk.
  14. Hi, I've just signed up for Tommy Account using the invitation link I have received in my e-mail inbox. But after signing up, when I've tried to login it says that "Invalid Login". So what is happening when I'm trying to login using valid credentials? Is there any problem with Tommy again?
  15. I don't know too much about Django but I think you need to check your URL Mapping (url.py) and make sure you put those files (base.html, index.html) inside the mapped urls.
  16. 1.) In heliohost you are allowed to change only a few php.ini configurations. And the "auto_prepend_file" & "auto_append_file" php.ini directive is definitely not supported.2.) There are no ways to prevent account inactivity. But as @flazepe said, "You can donate at least $10 and get it to increase to 2 months and $15 for 3 months and so on. If you donate 5$, you'll also get to increase your storage to 2 GB." 2.1.) If you don't log in at least once in a month your account will be suspended and you can renew your account from "https://www.heliohost.org/renew/". 2.2.) Yes you'll get a notice before 15 days your account gets suspended. If you have any queries, let us know.
  17. Let me try every possible ways first if it all gets failed then I'll switch to Linux. Currently I don't want to do so as the implementation is working but with few minor issues (like the Error 404 which is thrown by ASP.NET), if mono doesn't work then Error 404 should be thrown by Apache instead of ASP.NET. If somehow I able to fix it then everything should work properly.
  18. Okay. But the 404 error is thrown on both whether accessing the hello.aspx from localhost/hello.aspx or
  19. Okay! Where can I get the source code of mod_mono for 64bits I've found one for 32bits but can't find the 64bits version. Suppose I've successfully found the 64bits version of mod_mono and built it, will it be compatible with the mono version I have? And can I use Visual Studio to build it? And as my mod_mono configuration working by starting the server manually, why all the aspx pages shows a 404 error of ASP.NET which is thrown by Mono not Apache it means the Mono is working as you can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/AxSNJcW?
  20. Okay! Actually I've downloaded the mod_mono.so plugin and I don't know if it's compatible with the mono version I'm using! It maybe the cause. If it is, the mod_mono.so doesn't exist neither in the internet (except the website I've downloaded it) nor it comes with the MSI Installer. Then how can I get the right version of mod_mono? I've just noticed that the "mod_mono: connect error (Unknown error). Address: Port: 2000" is still exists in the error.log file of Apache. I can't figure out why even if I start the server manually. And one more thing how can I change the AppData directory of mono?
  21. Why I had to start the server manually?
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