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Everything posted by nilayz

  1. 112....... yup
  2. I was just wondering whether carry forwarding of posts/helions are supported... I mean, if I post more than 25 posts a month... say I post 35 posts... will the remaining 10 posts be carried forward? So I'll have to post 15 posts next month? Or does it all depend on the amount of Helion that I have? Number of posts are not really considered?
  3. Just wondering whether people support DivX;-) or XviD....?
  4. Can I have more than one domain name? I mean accounts?... if I post 50 posts each month or something like that for 2 accounts? Each website will have different content.
  5. Yea I agree... in XP its still ok... but if you use FF on 98, it looks as if you are browsing the net out of a box !!! Opera scores well on that
  6. Heheheheheh....... that's a nice one :D :D
  7. Finally I got to know the importance of having a TLD domain... so was just surfing the net to find the cheapest one... got one for $5.99... is that the cheapest? Okay, moving on to my actual question(s): 1. Do I need to check out with my registrar regarding the number of e-mail aliases I can have, or does that depend on my host? 2. Do I need to check out with my registrar regarding the number of subdomains I can have, or does that depend on my host? 3. What are external domains?
  8. Ok.. so you DO have a caller id... or I would have broken your phone !!!
  9. 108..........selective amnesia?!?!?!
  10. which
  11. What kinda game is this? Action?
  12. Excuse me, miss, do you give head to strangers? No. Well, then, allow me to introduce myself.
  13. himself
  14. nilayz

    Messed Up!!!!

    I just hope so.....
  15. OnE-o-fOuR
  16. Funny?!?!!? Just think about the guy who was facing the interviewer...
  17. (2*2*2*2*2*2*2)-(2+2+2+2+2+2+2...... whatever 102
  18. Wat is P2M, btw?
  19. Maybe... I dunno... My cousin brought it with him and I played on my comp... Gameboy Advance Emulator
  20. Does anyone know about Google Language Tools? Simply copying and pasting the text would reveal the English meaning... don't you think we should try something else... like say anagrams, jumbled words, encrypted text... etc.??? I'll start off: O, draconian devil. oh, lame saint! (Hint: Anyone who's read The Da Vinci Code would know what that means!)
  21. I had played an emulated version of Metroid : Mission Zero... (something like that I forgot the name)... liked that... maybe will try this one if I get an emulated copy.
  22. *glad to get free drinks* *orders chicken lollipop* *and chicken reshmi kebab*
  23. nilayz

    Messed Up!!!!

    I was just wondering what page am I taken to when I click the "on Hand" link beside the products... and I found that I automatically bought a monthly hosting package and lost 250Helions :( If it is possible, djbob, could you please reset that thing... delete the item from my inventory and add 250Helions into my account... coz I don't want to go for a monthly hosting package now... I want to buy myself a TLD first. Plus, I would like to go in for Quarterly Hosting Package. Hope you can do it.
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