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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. this is weird, comparing forums to cars? which forum is better is strictly opinional, you cant really compare, maybe facts such as members, but "better" used in this sence means more of what do you like?
  2. yes, im sure he specifically ment a war. which by current news ive heard... does not exist. Please stay on topic and not get in personal arguments with other members.
  3. sounds good. go ahead and find a few interesting government topis and post them there. you might get what you want if you make it worth it.
  4. lets see what do most people see in america... freedom of choice, opinion, speech, religion, but thoes were the original things that were to stay and presidents found a way to edit them to not be so free called amendments How could they know america is so great without experiencing it?
  5. but it would be hard on the people because they would have no choice in the form of vote or anything. and many people would be unhappy just because of this fact, even if they got what theyt want.
  6. asexual means "1 [bleeped!]" there is no male or female, only one that reproduces with itself, usually bacteria and stuff is asexual. now please stop arguing and get back on topic. the mushy love was necessesary, it would explain that he falls in love with her and they have children, luke skywalker and princess leia, and eventually he will turn evil in episode III.
  7. heres a small question i got, whats the best of the processors? in relation to its clock speed?
  8. most of which is desert, full of caves to hide stuff in... we cant be sure for a fact they still dont exist now, its imposible to search every inch of the place with so much wasteland of desert.
  9. yeah, about over 3/4 of members have 0 posts so maybe he'll think of another way... 25 active members?
  10. i was wondering if IBStore logs anything, so that you could see if someone gave someone money and stuff. like if etronicgaming clains (ok, this is fiction, just for example) that i did not pay him and i did! you could check the logs to see if i was lying and stuff. its a good secruiy thing. do you have logs? if not you should look for a mod to do so.
  11. so they head towards the earth, inside the fastest thing ever,
  12. you seem like a good fan. my bro is crazy about it, thats why i think he will go first week, he has lots of fan stuff from starwars series on shelves and stuff.
  13. ill do it if i use any of your codes, but its only illegal to not have the code if you legally own the copyright. do you djbob? and did you give etronicgaming permission to publish something under your copyright?
  14. well you could have just sent him a PM
  15. i think its been more than 2 minutes, so they should post the answer and first to post correctly wins. they could look up stuff but its a chance to take if someone alreasdy knows.
  16. if you want popus on our site which aggrevate everyone! id ask just this once (even though a free service) a bit more... say +250 mb but if your me they dont help, even as they load, *clicks "X"*
  17. yes lets get back on topic, you asked the question but did not ask specifically enough what you wanted. ive head this joke and some variants of it, but its still a DUMB blonde joke.
  18. would you ladys take the chance of us missing and p***ing on the seat? or would you wrather us miss and p*** on the part none of us use
  19. lol, greenday is soooooo oooold! but its still cool, they just make a few songs every year, keeps them popular.
  20. i kinda like the new http://yagoohoogle.com search engine im putting together something like that now but it will have alot more to chose from and more options aswell... i hope.
  21. id consider myself 1337 as i can write and read it, but there are many variations, mostly made up, but stil understadable. but its n00bs who pretent to be 1337 who get the meanings and stuff wrong, just like they did with w00t.
  22. awesomegamer


    yes, good job etronicgaming welcome, YOU ARE ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US
  23. yes, i also found the movie to be boring. ive noticed a trend with trilogies (set of 3 in a series) 1st movie : good, makes you want to watch more 2nd movie : the worst, boring, only exists to drag out until the awesome... 3rd movie : the best and most exciting
  24. really that would be alot here! sorry, your minimum wages are sad 33 dolers means that our monthly would be about 66. more like minimum wage here is around 500 dollers per month
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