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Everything posted by lappy512

  1. for some reason KL was being overloaded with requests.
  2. lappy512

    new service

    they seem to have updated without you. Free-webhosts gets annoyed when admins tell people to attack them with petitions for revisions/submissions. (SSH is Secure SHell. It's a command prompt you can access remotely)
  3. 50! we need the starwars fights on this board.
  4. what, you give me 12 Hl's, and i give you 5 KP. You give me 6 KP, i give you 10 Hl.
  5. Hello Everyone, I will begin a currency exchange service, in which everyone can exchange currency from Krazy Points to Helio Points, and Vice Versa. 1 post on HN = 10 Helions 1 post on KL = 5 Krazy Points Anyways, the conversion rate will be: 10 Helions -> 5 Krazy Points 5 Krazy Points -> 10 Helions Edit: since this is now admin sponsored, please send the Helions to DJBOB, and send the KP to me, still. And the exchange rate is now a better exchange rate, with no middleman profit There is also a cap of 1000 Helions to be converted per month. http://helionet.org/index/index.php?s=&amp...ost&p=16425
  6. yes, and i believe that i am due for a account for a certian proxy i could manage *cough* *cough* *LOUD SUGGESTIVE COUGH* oh and why is the pw yearly now?
  7. oh yeah then lol would count as 3 letters...
  8. http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/c...en/kidtalk.mspx lol, funny. "w00t = we own the other team", where did they get that? i thought it was a cheer! and pwn does NOT equal to illegal activity...
  9. who? i know mr. gagne programs in c...
  10. 45 lol http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/c...en/kidtalk.mspx "w00t = we own the other team" weird, i thought it was like: "whoop!" like a cheer. also, it says "pwn" could mean illegal activity? weird...
  11. lappy512

    Free Domains!

    and that "discount" doesn't deduct Helions, and doesn't need 5000 helions to buy?
  12. he's talking to you. just give me the reason why you demoted me.
  13. no, like edit your post but don't do any edits, it automatically fixes the image.
  14. yes, usually you don't want to read the I will start a sentence thing...
  15. yes, the admiral also mentioned that, and said "Ha, it seems these days that someone who uses the terms 133t, haxx0rz, r0xxor, etc. is a n00b. That sounds kind of funny anyway. Oh well. "
  16. my caculator goes: 43, the answer to the life universe, and everything, when you put in your equation (i know it's 42, oh well)
  17. but, if you click edit and then Submit, you can fix the broken images automatically on those posts. In IPB 2.0, there's a tool you can run to fix it.
  18. i think that would be the answer.
  19. lappy512


    im already deranked...
  20. course!
  21. yes, we should have a backup forum for everyone to go to and talk at if helionet goes down. I wonder where we should host that?
  22. i agree, it suddenly dissappeared
  23. no, he was showing that he said that he "posted it in some other forums"
  24. everything. really.
  25. 32 lol, correct.
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