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Everything posted by stgeorge

  1. In your post, include the following information: a. your HelioHost username stgeorge b. the server your account is on stevie c. your HelioHost main domain stgeorge.heliohost.org The hits on the account websites are low and there is nothing abnormal with the Joomla 1.5.x installation. I last downloaded a backup on 9th Feb '12 so it is not as if I am not logging into cPanel The TLD is purely a building trades directory offering no download. One problem I did have was that someone used a 'recommend this site' component to send spam e-mails. I was notified by the component as it was happening and immediately logged in, banned the IP and disabled the component. In fact after this was done I disabled the component in all Joomla installations I have. I could give you the e-mails if there is a wish to ban this User from the Heliohost network, but cannot access cPanel to get them.
  2. I have thanks see my previous post.
  3. It is resolving now and might be something to do with the post: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11403-what-happened-with-dns/ However I would add that this occurs whenever I have added an AddOn Domain and I mean every time. The site was down for a total of 30 hours plus after cPanel accepted the Domain.
  4. Look in the configuration file of the installation you are using for your website. What are you using as I have a list of various CMS config files? You can view the config file in File Manager. It will show your password. Or are you talking about accessing phpMyAdmin from cPanel? If you have changed your cPanel password but did not include phpMyAdmin, simply change it again but include Mail, phpMyAdmin and FTP. If adding a new installation to an existing database. If you can access your database through phpMyAdmin then download a backup and do: Then Add the User to your existing Database. You now have a new password. However if you have an existing CMS, you will still have to edit the config file and enter the new password for it to connect.
  5. It happens frequently not sometimes.
  6. Because the server IP has been used to send Junk Mail or unwanted Newsletter/Mass Mail in the past by Website Webmasters. There is nothing that can be done unless Admin get the IP removed from various databases. This will only have a short term affect if people hosting websites on the Stevie Server start to send out Junk Mail or unwanted Newsletter/Mass Mail again.
  7. It is not the Domain you purchased. HelioHost is always slower than any other Free Server I have used as it is not cleaned and rebooted regularly. When it is it will perform at full speed and is as good as any other Free Server. Also HelioHost has a great deal of Free Websites being hosted and traffic will slow it down. I do not know if HelioHost uses Caching but if it does it SHOULD NOT. The Server should leave caching to the webmasters website systems and should not have server side caching as it will use up valuable resources.
  8. Why is that whenever I use AddOn Domain I get the message This message is not only on the Domains that I have added, it affects all Domains hosted on the HelioHost Account. Surely if the AddOn Domain by is accepted by cPanel as it has resolved, (as with all other hosts), then it should be accessible from the Internet. Before anyone uses the stock answer please wait up to 72 hours, this has never been necessary on any other cPanel server using the same Domain names as I have tried on HelioHost. It normally takes no longer than 4 hours on .com or .net and is only a max of 1 hour on .co.uk. Also why should it affect existing Host Domains or Sub-Domains? This is the existing sub-domain: http://stgeorge.heliohost.org/ This is a new AddOn domain: http://tradesandmaterials.co.uk/
  9. The problem I find is that having tried to host a website on stevie for over two years now, I really do wonder why I have not given up totally. I think the reason is that I realize that the people on HelioHost are really trying to make this hosting work. I will often put a website up here, but it seems that after a few weeks I am always moving it off again. Even when I have no TLD on HelioHost I keep an eye on the Hosting to see if there is any improvement in the Server reliability, mainly by browsing the Forum as I always judge that the best way to see how Hosting is doing. I have already mentioned that backgound running e-mail clients are a good way to see Server Status. So just when it seems Stevie is getting a run of reliability I put a website back up, only to find the reliability does not last too long. If I was paranoid I would think it was my fault, as the Server goes down shortly afterwards. As for Johnny, is it that the Paid Hosting goes on Johnny and the Free Hosting goes on Stevie? The point I am trying to make is that I do use Paid Hosting and that is because the Free Hosting was reliable. The main Hosting I use, edgedhost.com, is no longer Free but has only been down twice in two years, due to a DOS attack and a Hack defacement and that was some time ago. The owner is quick off the mark and is the same even though he still has free accounts that he feels he is committed to. Having said all that I have manage to switch the DNS to edgedhost, upload the website and it is now back on-line in under 45 minutes, so I should call it a minor bugbear.
  10. Well here we go again. The server has been down a day now. I can understand the odd breaks in service but stevie when it goes down goes down for hours if not days. It would be nice if someone could explain why it takes so long to deal with these issues.
  11. @xwinuser Personally I would stick where you are as ever since I signed up on HelioHost, over two years ago, I notice Stevie is intermittent on a near daily basis. Sometimes down for days or hours at a time. Having said that it has been OK today so far, but it has gone from a two sec page load to 8 sec back to 6 sec today here in the UK. I have not has sites on Johnny so I have never bothered to keep an eye on the Server
  12. Stevie is OK at the moment, I am connected to cPanel, except that at: 8.00 am GMT page load time was 2 secs Now at 13.00 GMT page load, with CMS system cache on, is 7 to 8 secs. I wonder whether more Western users on line or more Eastern users are later birds.
  13. I am trying to get my head around the idea of all this talk of cache. It is irrelevant. I only mentioned it in the first place because for those not used to changing the default settings of browsers to suit and might not realized it can be a problem. Also because with a browser that caches, a server with an intermittent service like Stevie that will basically switch on and off like a light switch, the browser may not cleanly refresh properly. FireFox, Chrome and IE do not, Safari and Opera tend to be more reliable. @ xaav The reason the cache on the site was turned off and all cache purged was to get an idea what the load speed was like when Stevie was under load. It was dreadfully slow with the Cache on and off. However in the UK at 8.00 am, the website loaded at the speed your would expect for pages that contain less than 25 elements. Without Caching, I have now turned cache back on, but it really should not need it. Besides I moved the static site to another server, loaded like a bullet, but very slow on Stevie. As for all this talk of cache, can I remind everyone:
  14. I take your point that caching can come from many sources. My point about Opera was not that is better for web design 'per se', but for page loading while you work live. Actually it can and does have no cache whatsoever when set the way described in the link. I use it as a portable application in Windows and it is clean while you work. It is so fast it does not need cache. That includes reloading images. Of course that does not mean you rely on the Browser to design a website without cross Browser referencing. Just as the site will need testing using on-line apps for mobiles. Also I will admit Opera does have limitations with heavy javascripting. So does chrome. But then I try to minimize that type of web design as I do not regards it as good practice for 'Web accessibility'. As I pointed out earlier, all this talk of cache, although worthy of discussion, is not relevant in the case of the server having intermittent connection as the e-mail clients are constantly failing to connect to Stevie. No problems with other Servers, just Stevie.
  15. Actually Opera is in my opinion the best of all the browsers for web design as it can be set to do nothing but treat the page as a new page. http://thenetweb.co.uk/clear-your-cache-for-webmasters However I was wondering about Server Caching. The point is when I did clear all Browser Cache, (I did not really need to with Opera), then cleared the computer resolver, I still could not connect that is why I posted. There is one other point worth making. I use PopPeeper to check around 30 e-mail accounts. Whenever I set up hosting I create an e-mail address for the hosting account. I have set PopPeeper to check the mail accounts every five minutes. The HelioHost mail account fails to connect on a regular basis every day, (I get an icon appear for a failed connection). That is why I have tagged as 'intermittent'. If I was to keep track of every failed connection, I mentally put it at about five to ten times a day. When I am at the computer. It would be 'sods law' that visitors hit the site when the connection is down.
  16. I was having this problem with: A static website: http://cyberstgeorge.co.uk/ A Joomla mySQL Website: http://thefawkes.co.uk/ cPanel: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/ and FTP But back up now and these addresses are reachable. However these sort of issues arise on a daily basis. Perhaps this is something to do with connection to the UK!
  17. I am in the UK Cleaned all Browsers Cleared resolver cache Rebooted. Chromium: This web page is not available Chromium could not load the web page because stevie.heliohost.org took too long to respond. The website may be down or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection. Here are some suggestions: Reload this web page later. Check your Internet connection. Reboot any routers, modems or other network devices that you may be using. Add Chromium as a permitted programme in your firewall or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted programme, try deleting it from the list of permitted programmes and adding it again. If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure that the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to the spanner menu > Preferences > Under the Bonnet > Change Proxy Settings... and make sure that your configuration is set to "no proxy" or "direct". Opera: Could not connect to remote server Check that the address is spelled correctly, or try searching for the site. Also cannot use quick reply with this Ajax
  18. Stevie Has Been Down On And Off All Day Today As It Is Most Days. Are there reasons for this? Every day there are breaks in database connection or in today's case even the static sites and cPanel will not load.
  19. LOL Sorry we got off the subject. But Hey Ho! What a laugh!
  20. Does that mean you do not use a browser that does not refresh? Do not rely on a website to do your bidding rely on yourself! Rely on websites and you have given up control. If Refresh is what you really want use Opera. All other browsers for web development are still learning. That includes Chrome. I think this site is only FireFox friendly hence the crap Ajax. Suppose life might be built around Adobe players too. Point is the Site is still down, be lucky to see it back up within a few hours or days! My edit was HelioHost does it's best but the Ajax crap sure takes time to load on making a request. Thank God I do not let this Ajax crap into my sites I have just tested this with this post and while waiting for the Edit to load have made two posts elsewhere. Totally inefficient.
  21. This happens so frequently, I do wonder why stevie is not killed off! This Ajax board is a nightmare! What idiot thought Ajax was a solution to efficiency? Like Flash not really what the Internet is all about. Boys with toys!!
  22. Can Anyone Tell Me Why Stevie Spends All This Time Down? It is so frequent, what is the point of a website? Does anyone know why stevie is down for over a day each week or so? This board is going insane. Why all the Ajax? Totally mad!!
  23. Thanks for the reply jje. I had already seen the monitor, (prior to posting). Does anyone have any idea what is causing it?
  24. Hosting package: HelioHost Server Name: stevie Sometimes I get: My TLD http://thefawkes.co.uk/ Cannot Connect to mySQL Other times cannot connect to server Sign-up domain: http://stgeorge.heliohost.org/ Simply: cannot connect to server cPanel sometimes connects the file manager. Other times will not connect gives data error. This has been going on for some 8 hours now, (that I know of). Is anyone else having this problem or is there some form of maintenance going on?
  25. Well my site is up and running again so thanks to the Admins. It is also good to see a dedicated page to Post on for this issue since Jun 25 2011 as it does seem to be a frequent issue. At least is this Forum Post is monitored by a couple or more Admins then action can be taken swiftly to resolve any issues. I can understand reasons for running a script to clean up accounts, however would it not be possible to Whitelist those sites that are affected as I do maintain that my previous post was no exaggeration: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...ost&p=67226 But anyway all is fine for now. One other point if you are regularly sorting out your Browser Cache as a Webmaster or Web Designer: Use Opera as it is the Web Designers dream! Besides this really is the fastest Browser, it does not need cache or any remembered data. Opera gives you the option 'not to cache'. Main Menu/Tools/Preferences/tab-Advanced/Menu-History Addresses: Uncheck 'Remember content on visited pages'. Click 'Clear'. Memory cache: Select 'Off'. Disk cache: Select 'Off'. Click 'Clear'. Check 'Empty on exit'. Check documents: Select 'Always'. Check images: Select 'Always'. Main Menu/Tools/Preferences/tab-Advanced/Menu-Cookies Radio: 'Accept cookies' Check 'Delete new cookies when exiting Opera' Main Menu/Tools/Preferences/tab-Advanced/Menu-Storage Web pages using persistant storage: Click 'Clear all'. Use application cache: Select 'No'. You now have a Browser that requires no maintenance. At worst you may simply close it down and re-open.
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