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Posts posted by majazac

  1. SK, faith doens't mean that you have to follow a religion. faith means that you must believe in God (or superior forces) to get in heaven, not follow a certain religion.


    HL, nice ones. And i agree with /\/\/\/. Is JUST a fictional book

  2. waiiitttt.... That means that you can comit a crime, rape someone and still goes to heaven while a person that helps poor and needed, animals and nature will go to hell to be burn and everything just cuz he don't believe in Christ??? Ok, that's it. I'm gonna stop now. At least the protestant people that i know, say that you can go to heaven by doing good things. You might not become an angel or be one of the elected, but you go...

  3. i'm not trying to diss any of your beliefs, but what kind of church to you go to??? Cuz all the religious (not fanitic) that i talked to (and that includes people who helps the priests, the people that try to force you to believe in Jesus and other people like that) say that by doing good things you can go to heaven. All the religions have that in common. Do good things, go to heaven, the only thing that changes are the type of heaven. And God is a God of love and justice. Not some crazy nazi that demand you to have this or that to deserve his love. He loves his childs equally, even the bad sheep, or haven't you read Jesus tales? Be good and you won't go to hell, after all what kind of divine justice is that that you, who always did good things are sent to the same place that the ones who sinned, commited crimes and other bad things?


    But as we say here in Brazil, don't discuss politics, religion and soccer. People who believe their candidates, their gods and saints and their teams won't change cuz of other opinions. Is a too polemical subject and that problably will finish in fight. That's why we don't discuss that 3 subjects, though you can change soccer by any sport like baseball or basketball.

  4. i may not agree all the times with everybody, but i respect each ones opinion. After all no one is forced to think the same way than you. Most of people do that. Is the golden rule of living in a group. But he don't do that and he should. It would make people fight him and "hate" him (isn't real hate since noone knows him offline) way less

  5. exactly what i was trying to say, KC and HL.


    As far as i understand, God gave humanity free will. They must do the good. As long as a person do the good, this person doesn't have to go to the church everyday or to be the best "sheep" in a priest's group, even cuz there are a lot of hipocrise (dunno how is written correctly). Do good actions and you deserve heaven even if you don't go to church. Good is omnipresent and omniscient, so he don't need a priest as intermediate to see who do good things or bad. Just cuz Harry Potter don't follow christianism laws, doen't mean that he practice good actions. JK Rowling only tried to create a universe of fantasy to entertain kids and adults, in the same line that Walt Disney acted. You can see almost everything "bad" in Disney movies, witch makes some people say that most of them are "evil". But it teaches moral values to kids, don't run away from your problems, help the others, have friends, don't let evil get in your heart, be generous, and so many more lessons.


    i respect the fact that you and your mom think that HP is from the devil, after all is a belief like any other. I, Maja, just think that is a bit too much

  6. thanks, HL. :)

    honestly i have given up to try to make him a more sociable and likeable person. He just don't listen to us and i'm tired of arguing with him. He may think what heck he wants that i just don't give a [bleeped!]. People like me. The ones who doesn don't interest me. ^_^

  7. every Disney movie have a satanic slash [bleeped!] side hidden in the movies. i had an email about that. It's ridiculous to think that Disney or JK Rownling would lose time to place that. Why is so hard for people to believe that things can be plain and simple without double meanings?

  8. violent????? where???????? :o

    for Christ sake, where in name of God do you consider it a satanic book? Just cuz there's magic in it? Come on!!!! If it is your believes there is nothing i can do about it except respect it, but hooowwww???? I'm just curious..

  9. my dear mr. myscrnnm, i agree that conflicts can be solved peacefully, and believe me i don't have violence in my mind, specially cuz apart from being a girl, i really think that all forms of violence are stupidity. But i'm not the kind of persons that gives the other side of the face. I only used what you call "violence" (altough for me is very difficult to say that towards to a "fight" provoked by you and in a virtual level. Maybe is just my narrowed brazilian mind that considers violence only when somebody attacks you phisically or by way more offending terms than the ones i might have said to you) in self defense, after being called names. So, will you please stop writting judgements about me, specially cuz you don't know me. You might argue that i don't know you too, but i believe that a people can show somethings through what they talk. If you're the only one here to have problems with me and aparently with all, maybe is not the world that is against you. Maybe is just you that is against the world. Thus said, i won't talk anymore about anything offending or not with you. After all i'm a stong believer that if you can't say something good about a person, just don't say a thing about them.

  10. actually not everyone can sing. Some of the "great" singers use playback, witch they don't.


    and they play. If you watch any video from their latest tour, one of them is playing guitar. And there were ocasions in the past where they all played in tour.

  11. you're new here, so i'm gonna explain what is necromance. Is when you post on a topic that has been death for around a month. it's boring and doesn't help the community. So please don't do it, unless you have a REALLY good comment to do about the subject

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