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Posts posted by majazac

  1. wow... so many plans. Heading to read the insanities he wrote... At least I'll have some laughs... :) Good luck HL!!!!


    Hah, just read hist post... Gosh!!!! And he actually believes in what he writes... Seriously... It looked almost like if he had a hostage or something and was threatening the White House... Pathetic!!!! But yeah... fun...


    Read the "special edition post" wow... he just can't resist posting. That is the clear view of someone who thought that actually people would miss him... well aparently they didn't... :D

  2. Hello peeps of HN!!!!


    I'm back after MANY monts away. College is really getting hard. But I'll try to manage to find some time to come here. Miss you all guys! Bet that there's plenty of new people! How's everyone???


    For the ones who doesn't know me, I'm Maja, I live in Brazil and I have 20 years old. I'm also one of the missing legislature members from the first election (is there any new?)


    Bye and see ya!

  3. AoE III is the best ever. it kinda crosses the other AoE and Age of Mithology. They are great. Best game at Microsoft. BTW have you tried Age of Mithology? is great. the campaign are awesome.


    Civilization are kinda the same since I. At least till III the only changes were graphical cuz the gameplay are the same. Dunno about Civ IV cuz i haven't tried it yet.


    You can go to www.gamespot.com and search for strategy/simulation PC Games that you'll find some tycoons really nice and other in the genre.

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