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Posts posted by majazac

  1. i was referring to the inherit type... cuz you don't have to do a thing to earn it and then people will do anything for you. So unless that, you have to socialize well with other people

  2. daCris -> Don't spam


    GM268 -> I'm a big fan of Saladin. He was very inteligent and way better than the europeans, with a very few exceptions. Most of crusaders were knights or "playboys" who didn't have lands or perspectives and went to the crusades to gain wealth or fame and then be on a better situation. The poors joined cuz army was better than famine. So the "Holy" crusades were mostly about anything but religion

  3. the problem, Chris, was that with a very few exceptions, you wrote only one word posts that said absolutely nothing. You're not demanded to write a book in every post, but do some kind of contribution when you write.

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