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Posts posted by majazac

  1. calm down, HL... he doesn't deserve your anger... he is just some stupid kid who wanst to argue about every single fact just for the fun of it. and screw the rest. I made a decision. I'm not gonna lose my time with him, unless he attacks me. outside that... e can go to a virtual hell that i don't care

  2. djbob is the admin, meaning he administrates. he don't have to change every single post that might offend someone. Even becuz what is an offense to me, could not be to you.

  3. there is rapidshare, megaupload, you send it and others but they all doesn't allow hotlinking, i mean, you have to go in their pages first. I was looking for something like a host to put my files and the directlink them. and it has to be free... if i could afford pay host, i wouldn't be here... ^_^

  4. i know, djbob.


    actually we don't really need mods.. sure that one active would be a help, but i can't see any problems that the admins couldn't manage

  5. the only benefit of the hack was to teach us that if a person post about it, he/she will try to do it... :D and come on... myscrnnm II are just saying that to go agains us... i'm done. last post about this matter...


    HL! you're back!!!! missed HP, you know?

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